Blinking screen and Video_Schleduer_Internal_Error when using laptop screen, but not when using seperate monitor screen


Feb 28, 2017
Basicly as the title say, it sometimes blink like the whole screen becomes black and when this has happend enough times i will get blue screen and get the Video_Schleduer_Internal_Error. Sometimes it even tabs me to another program which is weird. I recently uninstaled my old display driver and reinstaled in safe mode but its still happending, but only when i use my laptop. When i plug my laptop to an external monitor, this isnt happending at all. Any help?
Here's my dxdiag:
list of things to try are listed here:
it's definitely linked to your driver or something that you corrupted with uninstalling and reinstalling the driver software.

But do you know why this only happends when i use my Laptor screen and not my sepperate monitor screen?