Boot Loop Madness


Jan 22, 2018
I got my grandfathers gateway desktop pc since he broke it somehow. When the pc turns on it shows gateways’s logo and on the bottom it shows F12 for display boot or del for setup. Then it automatically loads the windows icon and says “recovering previous state of windows and reboots itself back to the gateway screen and continues this cycle for as long as it’s on. Wondering if this is a parts issues or something that can be fixed inside the boot menu. Anything at all would be helpful. :)
What version of the Windows OS? What computer model?

It sounds like either (1) the Windows install is corrupted, or (2) much less likely the HDD has issues.

The first thing that I would try would be to do a clean OS install from installation media (either DVD or USB depending on what components the machine has).

Well it was running windows 10 and it is a gateway DX4860-UB32P. So you suggest that I reinstall windows via USB or dvd installation? I’ll try that sometime soon.