I am looking for a budget subwoofer and I was wondering which out of these are the best for studio use.
Sony SA-W2500
Sony SA-W3000
Technical Pro MRS10SUB
BIC Venturi V1020
Dayton Audio SUB-80
Allison AL8
I assume the Technical Pro MRS10SUB would be the best since that is a true studio subwoofer. Others have said Dayton is good but that's not really a studio sub so I don't think it will play flat. But maybe subs don't really make a difference if they are flat since all they do is play the low end parts of the music not play and mids or highs.
Sony SA-W2500
Sony SA-W3000
Technical Pro MRS10SUB
BIC Venturi V1020
Dayton Audio SUB-80
Allison AL8
I assume the Technical Pro MRS10SUB would be the best since that is a true studio subwoofer. Others have said Dayton is good but that's not really a studio sub so I don't think it will play flat. But maybe subs don't really make a difference if they are flat since all they do is play the low end parts of the music not play and mids or highs.