GREAT article. I'm not in the market for a new digital camera but this article is very informative. Even though I've already made my DSLR purchase, it's always nice to see what's new and a potential replacement down the line.
Currently I use the Canon XT with the BG-E3 battery grip. I also purchased the 580EX Speedlite. I bought the XT a year plus ago for $999 with the 18-55 lens. The battery grip was $180 and the flash was $479. I bought all of these at a local camera shop rather than online so the price of purchase was higher but on a purchase like this, I wanted to make sure I had a local authorized dealer support.
There are three things that the article didn't really stress and were major deciding factors for me:
1. Start Up Time: Most cameras start-up fairly fast these days... but not too long ago startup averaged 3-6 seconds. It may not seem long but when you are trying to catch your kids in a "photo moment" 3-6 seconds is forever. I had an older Canon G2 point and shoot and it took 4-5 seconds to startup. Blah! Canon XT is pretty much instant (0.2 secs).
2. Shutter Release response time: Nothing worse than pressing the shutter release button and nothing. Or press the shutter release button and it shoots 1/2 second or second later. With my Canon XT, now there' literally no lag after the focus is set.
3. Flash: No internal flash will give you quality lighting. In reality no add-on flash will beat pro lights with umbrellas etc. But I think most buyers skimp on the flash. With most built in flash units on DSLRs, the results are pretty much point and shoot quality lighting. Getting a add-on flash adds to the tally but it's worth every penny. I suggest getting a flash which allows you to pivot the head upward - you will be amazed how your camera will be transformed by using a quality add-on flash. My flash was $479 at the local store last year but now you can purchase it online for about $350. While I have several different lenses for my XT, the flash purchase was by far the best add-on for the camera.
Last thing... I think Nikon and Canon makes the best DSLRs on the market.