Hello all I am looking into purchasing this Refurbished pc http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834265392
I will be using it for a relatively easy to run pixelated game called realm of the mad god. Here is an example of the graphics http/imgur.com/a/xO5Rn
Here is a picture of my current specs. http/imgur.com/a/AOLl8
What i want to know is how much will my performance increase? Will I get better fps? Thats really what i want. Thanks!
I will be using it for a relatively easy to run pixelated game called realm of the mad god. Here is an example of the graphics http/imgur.com/a/xO5Rn
Here is a picture of my current specs. http/imgur.com/a/AOLl8
What i want to know is how much will my performance increase? Will I get better fps? Thats really what i want. Thanks!