Buzzing and static sound


Sep 6, 2010
I recently ordered a Sony Vaio EB laptop and had to return it due to an unresolved buzzing / squealing sound. They sent me a replacement (this time a configured model) but I'm having a similar problem again, right out of the box.
1. This time, there has been a persistent STATIC sound coming from the area of the right speaker. Sometimes it goes away when the computer is idle or when playing music or listening to a CD. But it starts again whenever there is other activity such as clicking or typing or surfing. Sony techs had me uninstall and install sound drivers but that did not work. Adjusting speaker settings such as the equalizer also did not help.
2. Also, when operating on battery, there is a BUZZING sound which goes away when the power cord is plugged in. This sound is primarily located in the area of the left speaker. When operating the computer on battery, the buzzing sound is continuous and irritating.
After quite a bit of time troubleshooting, the Sony techs feel the next step is to replace the motherboard...which I don't feel good about for a brand new computer, which just arrived yesterday!
Any thoughts on this?
Check out similar problem with that kind of laptop at

Also many websites showing buzzing sound problem with some Sony laptops over last year. Use google. You'll find them for sure. Sony usually one of better brands for reliability but I'd get a refund and buy another brand if I could if I were you. But read up on reviews and comments on comparable model by other brands before you buy it if you can. Otherwise, you can end up with laptop with other common problems. I too would not be comfortable replacing MB on brand new laptop. Rather get new one of other brand.

Yes, ...thank you....I did do lots of research on all this...on both what laptop to order initially...and then on the buzzing sounds. I think most of those who complained of similar buzzing or whining / squealing sounds had the new F series. I tried their suggested fixes on my E series but they didn't work. I also found a few people on the internet who complained of buzzing or whining sounds on their E series too...but when I asked the Sony techs about this they didn't seem to be aware of these problems with the E series. So odd though that both brand new laptops had this problem out of the box and that the suggested fix in both cases ended up being to replace the motherboard.
I am almost afraid to order another Sony, even a different model, though I really loved the look and feel of the laptop.
I guess it's back to the drawing board with computer research...unless I just switch over to Mac. I didn't think I wanted to do that...but I am wondering if that might be the safest choice right now. Do you have thouhts on that...or perhaps a laptop brand you might recommend? I have read so many contradictory things about almost all of the brands and models, it is hard to know what to choose!
I have the same exact problem with the very laptop you too have. After muting the mic and checking the "listen to this device" option, it seemed to have disappeared. To do so go on > Control panel > hardware & sounds > sounds > properties > mic and there you go. Hope this helps as it certainly did to me. Take care.

Hi, GifTED, I'm so glad to hear someone else had this same problem with this model. I have now received my second replacement, and it too has the buzzing, static, sometimes whining or squealing sound. I did try the fix you recommended with the first two EB's (I had found it on the internet too) but it didn't seem to help. Your post, though, has inspired me to try it again on this third one....maybe the third time will be the charm!
The Sony techs and customer service have told me they do not have any record of others having this problem with this particular model!
I was beginning to wonder if it is just how these models are made. Thank you so much for your post...
I will try again...and let you know what happens.
I've been trying to decide whether to return this one too or just live with it....It has been so disappointing for a brand new laptop...but also so time consuming to try to keep remeding or replacing.