buzzing comming out of my speakers

Apr 21, 2018
Whenever i turn on my speakers there is like a humm
it's a steady humm like i'm next to a high voltage thing
i can unplug and replug it several times to remove the humm but after 5 min it comes back
is there something wrong with my setup? did i break it?? CAN I REPAIR IT???
please help if you know something about this.
If it happens without anything connected to the speakers then I suspect an internal problem. Could be a bad power supply so if they have an external one that could be bad.
If it only happens when they are connected then a ground loop might be the problem.
i can unplug and replug it several times to remove the humm but after 5 min it comes back

Not a ground loop.

Try a different pair of powered speakers.
The power supply in the powered speakers may be bad.

Plug in head phones. Do you hear the hum in the headphones?
UN-plug cable TV from entire house. Did the hum go away?

Sometimes Cable TV Cable internet can cause a hum also.