Good stuff. When I used to be a "minor", I played every FPS/RTS/RPG which was deemed "violent"/"inappropriate" by the media (ME1/ME2, GTA, CS, you name it) and I don't think it changed me in any way, I actually learned most of my English through it. If someone is dumb enough to go on a killing rampage because the game they were given was "violent", then they're just dumb in general and should be isolated from the society. I played Quake 1 when I was 12, and all I remember is that it was a fun FPS, just the graphics strained my eyes a bit (too low-res). While everyone was ranting about Hot Coffee mod for GTA:SA and how the game should be given higher ratings, I didn't even bother to download it, because the TV nowadays shows much more sexual content at any time. When they were ranting about Mass Effect "sex simulator", I was paying attention to the storyline and gameplay instead of worrying whether I'll see naked aliens/humans or not.
Linking video game violence and real world is pure BS. Yes, I *enjoy* firefights and explosions in GTA and Just Cause 2, it's damn fun blowing up the entire town and gunning down everyone on your way, but what does it have to do with real life? We all know that video games are meant for experiencing something we can't or *don't* want to experience in real life (full-scale war, for instance), and it makes no sense to project video game content into the actions of the person in real life.
And no, it is NOT similar to cigarettes or alcohol. Those two things ruin your PHYSICAL health. Your MENTAL health cannot be ruined by the amount of violence in games or movies. Sure, some games that ARE really bloody/scary (F.E.A.R., chainsaw/blade dismemberment games) are better kept away from 5-year-old kids. But to give Mass Effect or GTA an 18+ rating because of a few curse words and romantic scenes? I'd have these ratings reduced to 13+.