Can I buy digital adapters compatible with Comcast


Feb 5, 2013
Comcast is now charging for the once two free digital adapters. I just looked at my bill, called Comcast and they can't help me because everyone is getting charged. My question is, how can we buy our own digital adapters, or how can we get around this? I can't see paying $1.50 per adapter X 4. That's an additional $6.00 per month. I'm also being charged $7.00 per month for a modem.
If you can still find them at RadioShack or other electronic stores, you should be able to purchase them. Last time a saw (some time ago), they were still $50 each. Understand it will still take you around 2 1/2 years to recoup the cost of purchasing.

Also note: This applies to Digital to Analog Adapters, not DVRs or Digital Set Top Boxes.

-Wolf sends

Edit: I would note that while it may be possible to purchase a Digital to Analog (DTA) Adapter for use with Comcast, it may be necessary to contact them and have your device "activated" by them.
Thanks, wolfshaw. I've been dealing with comcast for many years and if I continue to deal with them for the next 20 years at $6 per month for box rental that would $72 dollars per year for 20 years equals $1,440.00 I'll pay out of pocket for those boxes vs a one time charge of $200 for 4 boxes at $50 per box.
Oh trust me. I understand completely. I've been using my own cable modem for years and upgraded my HTPC with a $2/mo cablecard device as opposed to $17/mo for my digital set top box.

Just saying you should probably contact Comcast first to make sure it will work rather than plopping $200 on what turns out to be 4 paper weights.

-Wolf sends
I have no solution, but I can tell you Comcast Atlanta will not tell you if a device is compatible or likely to be compatible. They obstruct EVERY effort to get around preventing customers from renting their equipment. A friend spent multiple phone hours and multiple trips (4) to Comcast office for a functioning 'Comcast card' for a DVR device he purchased. One call made in my presence was transferred to 8 different people and the issue was not resolved. He finally contacted the Public Service Commission and the issue was resolved in 15 minutes. Cable monopolies, like the old AT&T monopolies, should be outlawed. They should be required to list compatible set top boxes as they are now required to list compatible internet modems. From what I have read, Comcast is not the only cable company that does this. I have read Time Warner is equally as bad.

We were looking into returning our COmcast boxes and just buying 2 HD DTA's. If we do this, will we need to bring to COmcast so they can program them? Will we still be charged for "HD" service into our home? We also thought about buying a HD antenna.