Question Can I change the laptop Monitor refresh rate in the NVIDIA Control Panel?

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Sep 7, 2019
So I ordered a laptop which was advertised to have a 120 Hz monitor, but I only see a 60 Hz option in the Display settings.
I asked the providers, and all I got is this:
This issues will be something you can solve by going into your Graphic setting and changing the refresh rate and the resolution. This needs to be on a higher setting.

Then I looked up the NVIDIA Control Panel, and all I can see is the 3D Settings.
Is it possible to change the options in the Control panel?
And if not, how can I change the refresh rate then?

Thank you
If your screen is connected to your intel integrated graphics then you can go in to the intel graphics control panel. their you will see an option screen. Just right click on your homescreen. it's the second option from below. Otherwise if your display is connected to your graphics card you wil need to go to the nvidea control panel. The fourth option from below if you click on your homescreen.
If your screen is connected to your intel integrated graphics then you can go in to the intel graphics control panel. their you will see an option screen. Just right click on your homescreen. it's the second option from below. Otherwise if your display is connected to your graphics card you wil need to go to the nvidea control panel. The fourth option from below if you click on your homescreen.
Hello again,

I have tried to change it in the Intel Graphics control panel, the Nvidia control panel and the Display Setting as well, but the best (and the only) option is the 60Hz option, I'm quite concerned that I got screwed over with this laptop, I will try to contact customer support once again to see what they can say about it.

I don't know if you have any more option for me, but thank you for your help Daan1238
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