can i hookup samsung smart tv using only my internet

You should be able to access your smart TV hub with no other cables except the one powering the TV simply by accessing the hub on your TV's remote. However, you will have to have an internet connection to access the apps. If you do not have wireless internet in your home then you will either have to plug an Ethernet cable from your modem into the TV or buy a router to get wireless internet in your home. I know this may sound really basic, but I just need to make sure I'm covering all the basics - if you do not have internet service in your home then you will have to call a cable company for internet service.
You should be able to access your smart TV hub with no other cables except the one powering the TV simply by accessing the hub on your TV's remote. However, you will have to have an internet connection to access the apps. If you do not have wireless internet in your home then you will either have to plug an Ethernet cable from your modem into the TV or buy a router to get wireless internet in your home. I know this may sound really basic, but I just need to make sure I'm covering all the basics - if you do not have internet service in your home then you will have to call a cable company for internet service.