Solved! Can I simply delete a trojan that hasn't been executed?


Jan 26, 2010
Hi Folks,

I downloaded a backup of one of my web sites recently. Microsoft Security Essentials has detected a Trojan in some zipped files in that backup.

Here's a path in the MSE log:
containerfile: :\My Downloads\Web_site_duplicated\20150405_*
file: :\My Downloads\Web_site_duplicated\20150405_*>wp-content/uploads/backwpup-ae80ed-backups/backwpup_ae80ed_2015-09-23_15-07-54.tar.gz->(GZip)->wp-content/themes/theme_name7-child-01/header.php

Can I simply delete the infected files or maybe the whole folder? Since I haven't unzipped the folders, is it safe to assume I'm not infected? Any other measures I should take?

Thanks in advance (as always),

if the files was backed up with a Trojan, you already have the Trojan (or the Trojan would not be there in the backup), run full prior to boot scan o n HDD, then to answer you question, yes delete the file.

Thanks Paladin
The backup is from the web site.The zipped files containing the trojan were never unzipped so i don't think it's in my registry. Does that matter? Also, do you know how to run a boot scan with MSE? (I don't)