Can you help me choose my Gaming Headphones?


Jan 10, 2015
Hi guys, I'm in the needing of some help choosing my gaming headphones have my eyes upon 3
Headset Gaming Razor KRAKEN 7.1 Chroma - 75€ ~ 85$
Headset HyperX cloud -67€ ~75$
Headset SteelSeries 5h V3- 60€ ~ 67$

I know the kraken are the only ones with 7.1 but i still don't know if the virtual 7.1 is worth it cause i have read mixed reviews/critics
If it helps choosing my motherboard is a asus z97-p and i don't have a dedicated sound board
I was hoping you guys could help choose based on the quality/price of the headsets i am sorry that the price is in euros but it's the currency in my country

Thanks in advance

My opinion astros a30's the ones i've had for about 5 plus years have had soooo much damn abuse dropping on a hard tile floor multiple times. Pulling the shit out of the cord over the years and they still work as though they're brand new. If you got 300 dollars to spend get astro's you won't regret it.
strix 7.1 should be around your price point Asus makes some pretty good gear and if its faulty they'll jump through hoops to get you your gear. Though realistically i wouldn't care so much about 7.1 vs 5.1 as i would the comfort-ability first.

can you tell what you mean by best model please?

i have seen some images of them and even at a store i had a box of one in hand but don't they seem to big?
Best model i mean its the outside of the headset looks cool or what.
I mean razer is the coolest one rather than those 3.
But if it comes to sound quality, the best one is HyperX
Razer sucks on sound, also Steelseries not that awesome (i've got those already)