Can't decide which headphones for every music genres

Riccardo Pozzati

May 30, 2013
Hi everybody,
i'm looking for a pair of headphones in order to replace my Beats Wireless. The price range is the same as the beats' one, more or less, therefore i'd say 300-350$ (i live in Italy and here the price of the beats wireless is more or less this). As it's said in the title i listen to every kind of music, rock, metal, electronica, techno, dance, pop, etcetera. basically i need a pair of headphones which performs very good with every song i play.
Thank you very much for your time.

i hope everything is comprehensible, as i've said in the message i'm from italy, therefore english is not my native language.

I'm listing some suggestion downwards according to you budget, anyone of them would be enough and they would perform better than the Beats.
1. Beyerdynamic DT 990 (Premium 32 ohm)
2. Sennheiser HD 598
3. Audio-Technica ATH-M50WH
4. Denon AH-D1100 Advanced
@sifatraquib yes i know that in that range of price nearly every headphone performs bettere than the beats, i just want the best i can have for that price. the sennheiser are a bit too showy (i'm not sure this is the word i mean, but google translate says so xD). i'd like them to be beautiful and very good at the same time, i'm sure the HD598 are excellent but i don't like them very much. the other three models instead are nice.

@andrew_berge i've only tried the beats wireless til now so i don't know how different do the circumaurals headphones feel. Noise isolation is not a priority, sure i would be a good this having it, and about IEM, i'm given to understand that they are earphones and not headphones, or at least this is what i've understood googling it since i didn't know what that meant.

HAHA! I know what showy stands for. Anyway among the other three the Audio-Technica ATH-M50WH are my personal favorites. Google for some reviews and see if you can go for it.
All the best. 8|

Yeah, IEMs go in your ears. But sometimes people include them in the whole 'Headphone' group.

Anyway, this is a general tech support site, and even though you can get (and have received) good advice here, you'll get much more on a forum that's dedicated to sound. A good forum to ask would be Head-Fi. As far as headphones go, there are a lot of members there with great advice. They have a thread dedicated to helping people find the right headphones: