Cant enter the bios that I want

Jul 19, 2018
I want to change my ram voltage, but every time I launch the ufei firmware it takes me to the toshiba hw setup utility, which is what I dont want. There should be a link for the pictures. The second link is the bios that I want to be able to get to.
What is the make and model of your laptop? Assuming you're on a laptop sine it's been posted in the laptop section. On another note, If you can get into BIOS,
a| check that you're on the latest BIOS update
b| make sure you're on EFI mode instead of legacy.

^ Again that latter part is based on the assumption that you're not working with a first gen core i processor powered laptop. If that is not the case, then you're out of luck.
What is the make and model of your laptop? Assuming you're on a laptop sine it's been posted in the laptop section. On another note, If you can get into BIOS,
a| check that you're on the latest BIOS update
b| make sure you're on EFI mode instead of legacy.

^ Again that latter part is based on the assumption that you're not working with a first gen core i processor powered laptop. If that is not the case, then you're out of luck.