Caps Lock Problem


Nov 20, 2014
For about a day or two now, MY caps locK bUtton has bEen bLINkinG ON anD OFF CAUSINg my senTENces to look like this anD mY mouSE To FREEze As WELL. sometimes it woN't respONd when I TAP IT EITHER. IT'S COMPLETELY RANdom anD EXTREMELY ANnOYINg. does anYONe knOW HOW TO FIX THIS?

Laptop keyboards have varying firmware, data cables, and dimensions, and would require the end user ─ who may or may not have technical experience and tools ─ to go to the extent of tearing out two keyboards to test the one. In the end, it's not a very practical way to troubleshoot it.
Hi Karenejg,

I think the keyboard will need to be replaced. You can try to remove the keyboard driver from within Device Manager (right click on it and select "Uninstall"), then reboot the computer. Windows will then reinstall the native driver for it.

Have you, by any chance, spilled anything on the keyboard?
I'm assuming you mean trying the keyboard out in another laptop? That's actually a pretty good idea, if you have the ability to do so. But laptop keyboards can be acquired quite cheaply, so it isn't necessarily important to do, unless you have the means of doing it without hassle. Most people don't have several of the same computers 😛

Laptop keyboards have varying firmware, data cables, and dimensions, and would require the end user ─ who may or may not have technical experience and tools ─ to go to the extent of tearing out two keyboards to test the one. In the end, it's not a very practical way to troubleshoot it.