cd payer to peavey



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I am running a boombox cd payer to a peavey xm600c mixer/amp.

I have a Behringer DI-100 injector ordered. I have a "1/8 patch cord"
and a "1/8 stereo to 1/4 mono jack adapter".

Now, running the cd player headphone jack

through the patch cord

into the stereo to mono adapter

into the DI-100

DI-100 balanced out

into the XM600c low Z input (xlr)

should work fine, right?

Archived from groups: (More info?)

jydog wrote:
> I am running a boombox cd payer to a peavey xm600c mixer/amp.
> I have a Behringer DI-100 injector ordered. I have a "1/8 patch cord"
> and a "1/8 stereo to 1/4 mono jack adapter".
> Now, running the cd player headphone jack
> through the patch cord
> into the stereo to mono adapter
> into the DI-100
> DI-100 balanced out
> into the XM600c low Z input (xlr)
> should work fine, right?
> Randy

yes it will work
set the trim to its midpoint and regulat the volume at the cd player