After successfully installing Chrome OS on your computer, there might be instances when you want to change the default country settings in the Chromebook.
Changing the default country settings in the Chromebook is a simple process that requires a few mouse clicks. For best results, it is recommended that you should reboot the Chromebook after you have successfully modified the country settings.
Here is how you can change the default country in your Chromebook running the Chrome OS operating system in it:
Changing the default country settings in the Chromebook is a simple process that requires a few mouse clicks. For best results, it is recommended that you should reboot the Chromebook after you have successfully modified the country settings.
Here is how you can change the default country in your Chromebook running the Chrome OS operating system in it:
- ■Log on to your Chromebook.
■On the desktop screen, click Menu (Gear icon) from the bottom-left corner.

■From the displayed list, hover the mouse over the Preferences menu.
■Click Date and Time from the expanded submenu.

■When prompted, on the opened PASSWORD NEEDED box, provide the root password in the Password field.
■Click Continue to proceed.

■Once the Date and Time-YaST window appears, click the Region and Time Zone drop-down lists to select a different country and city respectively.
■Once done, click OK from the bottom-right corner to save the changes.