Channel Guide Error



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Something really weird just happened and I wonder if anyone has any
insight into it: We have two RTV's, both 4500 series, with Comcast
cable. One is hooked to a digital cable box, and the other only gets
analog cable. When I looked at channel 3 at 9 PM tonight (June 16),
the channel guide for the analog connection has the right listing
(Last Comic Standing), but the channel guide for the digital cable box
lists a Law and Order repeat instead.

Looks like RTV just messed up on their guide, but it's weird that they
have it right on the analog connection, but wrong on the digital cable
box -- which gets its lower channels in analog form anyway, or am I
wrong on that?

Many thanks.

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From:Martin Hellman

> Something really weird just happened and I wonder if anyone has any
> insight into it: We have two RTV's, both 4500 series, with Comcast
> cable. One is hooked to a digital cable box, and the other only gets
> analog cable. When I looked at channel 3 at 9 PM tonight (June 16),
> the channel guide for the analog connection has the right listing
> (Last Comic Standing), but the channel guide for the digital cable box
> lists a Law and Order repeat instead.
> Looks like RTV just messed up on their guide, but it's weird that they
> have it right on the analog connection, but wrong on the digital cable
> box -- which gets its lower channels in analog form anyway, or am I
> wrong on that?
> Many thanks.
> Martin