Circuit City Doors Closing Permanently March 8

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Top half of the posters are idiots and dont know what is going on. I work at CC. The liquidators get a big bonus check for the more money they make, and they ARE IN CHARGE. So yes they are going to mark it up and guess what we made record sales cause dumb asses bought it with a huge 30% mark up. We used to make an avg of $30k a week day before going out of business now we are raking in $120k a day. WHY WOULD WE MARK SHIT DOWN?

If people want to pay more than what somethings worth its fine by us.

BTW to the guy complaining about customer service, we are told by managers and liquidators not to break a sweat helping customers. At the same time liquidators took our employee discount changed their minds on giving us our raise (they owe me a $3 raise). Why would we be happy to help everyone out? People give us shitty attitudes all day long, we are busier than black Friday with less than half the staff so its a lot of stress on us employees.
the discounts are pretty sweet, got a 46in 1080p LCD for half off and the threw in free wall mounted entertainment shelves... but the customer service was far from acceptable tho. i guess id be the same way if i had to look for a new job
"ChaosGS 03/06/2009 10:06 PM

Oh and Hotroderx, your crazy, it does give me the right."

I worked 2 years in a customer service position taking 50-100 calls a day 80% of them calls where people telling me how much I sucked and how they wish I was never born. But unlike you I didn't get upset and I didn't mis treat customers ever. I treated each person as a unique individual and they got my all. If you wanna hide behind some pity BS about not getting a raise and being told not to worry about customers thats fine your part of the problem and why retail and phone support is so horrible I saw many people like you come and go where I worked most where fired for being belligerent. I really do sincerely wish you good luck on finding a new job because with your attitude your gonna have a really hard time with this economy since there are 20 people with a great out look and attitude that would love the position and the chance to help someone assuming you choose to stay and retail.

I do sincerely wish you the best of luck finding a new job and I wish your co workers the same.
A season of family guy and couple of other DVDs.
Stalker Shadows of Chernobyl for 8 bucks.
LG W2252TQ for 200.

I am going to go this weekend to see if there are any more PC games.
I am now manager at Aarons no luck needed, with my attitude i can go any where. Im not a kiss ass like you.

If you want my respect you treat me like a person, i dont care if im wearing a uniform or not.
Well hate to break it to you but i was the best there, nicest person and highest sales. At the end i was still nice and respectful, but people like the dumbass top posters come pouring into our stores asking "are you going out of business" right under neath a huge ass sign saying "were going out of business".

Our customer's ignorance is part of America's problem, unfortunately i worked to serve "special" people.
btw, [citation][nom]ChaosGS[/nom] At the same time liquidators took our employee discount changed their minds on giving us our raise (they owe me a $3 raise). Why would we be happy to help everyone out?.[/citation]

Good luck ever seeing that $3 raise. 😉
My circuit city was gutted in days. Even the shelves were sold. I don't think they will even need a crew to pull anything out of there. The prices here sucked though. Despite it being liquidation prices, nearly all the items were sold higher priced then tigersdirect and newegg.
[citation][nom]ChaosGS[/nom]At the end i was still nice and respectful, but people like the dumbass top posters come pouring into our stores asking "are you going out of business" right under neath a huge ass sign saying "were going out of business". Our customer's ignorance is part of America's problem, unfortunately i worked to serve "special" people.[/citation]

The top posters were commenting on the fact that the VP of the liquidation company made a statement about the "attractive discounts" when in fact the "discounts" were bogus. I don't see how that makes them dumbasses.
Also, the next time you call someone a dumbass and point out his ignorance, you may want to check your grammar before you post: "...right under neath a huge ass sign saying "were going out of business".
I work/worked at CC and this whole thing has been a mess. There is a person from the liquidation company who has complete authority and people for the love of god just do not understand. Also, it was not that the prices were jacked, its just everything just went off sale.I spent 70 to 80 percent of my days telling people "i understand its more expensive here than best buy"...."no you cant get that price"..."no a manager can not help you"...and blah blah blah.

The biggest problem is that most of the people that come in don't care about you or the fact that you lost your job. They want normal store customer service in a completely whacked situation. They want all the pieces to the display item that has been up for 6 months. "How can I use this lcd without the remote!?!!"..."Can I get more off for it not having all the pieces?"..."This is why you guys are broke now!!".."HA, I can get this brand new for cheaper". I get at least 5 people a day since the first day of GOB explaining to me the conspiracy of the liquidation prices.

So me and my coworkers quickly learned that to minimize headaches, we have to tell people in no uncertain terms that it is how it is. This rubs most people the wrong way since they thought this was some garage sale where one can just say "I'll give you 20 bucks for it". The nature of the fact that we can not change any price, give any deal, make any exception.......even if the product has any of the items that came with it AND it has scratches all over it. Yes we understand it makes no sense at all to buy it, but that doesn't change the fact there is no discount for it being in the shape it is.

There were actually some good sales the last few weeks with us hitting 60-70% on most of the store (except computers, which may never sell at 15%) but most people jump on the "CC sucks and so do the employees" train. Truth is, CC as a company did suck and treated us not so good imho. Sad to be losing my job though since it has been extremely hard looking for another in this job market with most places on hiring freezes. Not too many people hiring for part-time, since i can't go full because of school.

[citation][nom]ChaosGS[/nom]i dont care about grammer on a forums, if this was an resume or application than id care but its not.[/citation]

I don't really care either. If you hadn't been posting about ignorant and "special" people I wouldn't have ever pointed that out.
ChaosGS I am in the top half of posts. If I am such a dumbass why did I stop shopping at Circuit City prior to the liquidation? Use your brain. Also $3/hr raise and you lose your job in 2 days? That doesn't sound very good at all to me. Also I never caused problems with anyone in the circuit city stores. I always found whoever I talked to to either be helpful or just plainly a gentleman.

I stood by this store for a long time, stopped going to worst buy and that gave me the only option to go to circuit city (I wouldn't touch good guys if they were still around either, that place sucked). So now we only have best buy and one could argue walmart, kmart and those but it isn't the same. Best Buy will continue raising prices and the only people who shop there are people who don't want to wait for stuff to come in the mail so they pay extra money for the store as a service.

Hopefully another better store will come along and put BB out of business, I avoid that store like a plague and it is mostly due to them not having very good deals. CC had good sales and fair prices on movies.
BTW the manager's and supervisor's in a neighbor location went to jail for selling a $3,000 TV for $1. Was a very interesting day when we learned about that.
I would guess most of those people didn't realize before you told them how the whole process worked. I myself wasn't aware, until this article, that a liquidation company was involved. Most people probably assumed CC was liquidating the merchandise themselves and that the employees were still working for CC. Under that assumption, I think one would expect "regular" customer service.

That said, I also see your point of view. I'm sure it got old explaining this. If I was told this by a CC employee, I would totally understand; even though I'm sure a lot of people didn't. However, I don't think a cold shoulder and a "I don't work here" are appropriate even under the circumstances.

In any event, I do wish you good luck on the job hunt.
I never said i lost my job in 2 days, My raise was to go into effect Jan 16th, we went out of business that day....Go figure.

Btw when we went out of business i gave free items (cd's, games, usb cables) to people i liked. Thats terms for automatic termination but at the same time idc, that's what happens when you don't give your employee's what they deserve.
And I'm sure the person who told you that you were getting a raise knew that you were closing. That sucks.

Giving away free stuff probably could have gotten you more than fired; but I probably would have done the same thing :)
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