Circuit City Doors Closing Permanently March 8

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Well anyways it is a bad idea to work in retail. Try to find something better. I would never work in retail and never have, it sounds horrible. I know how the general population is, not really the kind of hell I'd want to go through especially for a minimum wage. You'll really never get what you deserve if you work at those places unless perhaps you become manager. I think it was said that CC managers got paid over $50k a year.

Also about not being informed that a liquidation company was involved, don't you have the internet? That was said months ago in news stories that a liquidator was going to take care of all of this. Also it must be frustrating to constantly go out of your way to give customers a cold shoulder. I know I'd be pissed off all day if I was acting like I was pissed off all day.
No one NO ONE knew we were going out of business till Jan 16th, the Mexican billionaire that owned compusa was going to buy us out, but the judge didn't like his terms, and we were forced to liquidate.

CC assistant managers make $45-$55k Managers make $60k-$105k PLUS sales bonuses, thats part of the reason were going out of business, the employee's that make the company money made minimum wage while jackasses sit on their ass making huge money.
Yeah, I probably read at some point that a liquidation company was involved with CC, but with every other company going out of business and all the news I read on a daily basis, it's hard to keep track of those things :)
[citation][nom]ChaosGS[/nom]No one NO ONE knew we were going out of business till Jan 16th, the Mexican billionaire that owned compusa was going to buy us out, but the judge didn't like his terms, and we were forced to liquidate.CC assistant managers make $45-$55k Managers make $60k-$105k PLUS sales bonuses, thats part of the reason were going out of business, the employee's that make the company money made minimum wage while jackasses sit on their ass making huge money.[/citation]

Man, that really sucked for you and your co-workers then since you were probably counting on hopefully still working there after the buyout!
And about the wrong people making the big money, unfortunately that's not just a CC problem. I've found that's pretty much the case anywhere you work; whether it's a big corporation or a small business. Usually it's the people who know how to BS and act like they are working who make the money. So if you do find somewhere that treats you well and pays you what you deserve, STAY THERE, because chances are you won't find that again.
people try to avoid the place where ChaosGS is working...u will be thinking being treated like a person, but indeed, he got no respect for you.
as a former employee unless you were a manager you get screwed out of any future and you people are vultures for complain about stuff that you bought only when we were going out of business so FU. We didnt care because we treated you the way you treated us all those years. So shut up and work and have a good life and while you get a paycheck think about us former CC employees and relize your a jerk and go spend it because we are hungry and poor thanks to you
they were "40% off" here
with this so called discount: memory would have cost 60 bucks (newegg price 20 bucks)
they wanted 100 bucks for a 9600GT newegg was selling it for like 50 bucks I believe..

Circuit was a bastard company that deserved to fail
I owned stock in the company. Held it to zero. Thanks for nothing.
[citation][nom]Soul_keeper[/nom]they were "40% off" herewith this so called discount: memory would have cost 60 bucks (newegg price 20 bucks)they wanted 100 bucks for a 9600GT newegg was selling it for like 50 bucks I believe..Circuit was a bastard company that deserved to failI owned stock in the company. Held it to zero. Thanks for nothing.[/citation]

Vid cards typically cost quite a bit in the stores.

[citation][nom]ChaosGS[/nom]I never said i lost my job in 2 days, My raise was to go into effect Jan 16th, we went out of business that day....Go figure.Btw when we went out of business i gave free items (cd's, games, usb cables) to people i liked. Thats terms for automatic termination but at the same time idc, that's what happens when you don't give your employee's what they deserve.[/citation]
This is where you just proved to everyone here that you're a huge douchebag on a scale of massive proportions.

"Oh, my employer treats me like shit, so I'm gonna steal from him. hahaha" Good job asshole.

You're the kind of asswipe that ruins the moral standing of this country, and I wouldnt even consider you as worthy of being under my heel.

Oh and trust me, Aarons hire anyone with retail experience. And you'll be screwing honest people out of their money even more there. And what's worse, is the fact that those people will tend to be the type who dont have the money to be screwed out of. Go to hell.
Actually Circuit City wasn't that bad. I didn't know there were store fanboys. Circuit City was usually the best place to find good sales on games.
In the suburbs of Chicago, CircuitCity was ALWAYS over-priced. I could buy the same computer software or hardware from NEWEGG (EGGHEAD), pay shipping, and it still ended up being cheaper than CC. The sales-assistants were always HIGHSCHOOL age, so CC did not have to pay them that much in benefits or raises (no dependants). A very poor biz model.
[citation][nom]ChaosGS[/nom]You just proved to be a dumbass of epic proportions, You may not be aware, but were going out of business. Liquidators put random junk in a cart and sold them for $1-$20 each, is it stealing for them to do that? Is it stealing to not give me a raise? Is it stealing for them TO NOT GIVE ME MY LAST CHECK? So fuck you, you dont know the full story so stfu.Thats whats wrong with this country, people assume they know whats going on and they don't and they run their mouths off bitching about it.[/citation]

So if i take your logic its ok for someone to steal from you since you stole from someone. Wow when did two wrongs make a write. Also please watch your mouth I understand you think it makes you look cool to curse but it dont it makes you look like a brat who didnt get his way. Please if your gonna post with adults act like one.
I got a lemon the first day. Got a 320GB portable HD and it didn't work when I got it home. Took it back just to exchange it for another and they refused, saying that I had to go through the manufacturer. This was only 1 hour after I got it. CC was overpriced, and over competent. Customer service was terrible, and product selection was just as bad... and this was before the liquidation. Glad to see CC close.
I got a lemon the first day. Got a 320GB portable HD and it didn't work when I got it home. Took it back just to exchange it for another and they refused, saying that I had to go through the manufacturer. This was only 1 hour after I got it. CC was overpriced, and over competent. Customer service was terrible, and product selection was just as bad... and this was before the liquidation. Glad to see CC close.
wow - serious hate going on. Brick and mortar electronics will probably be gone in a few years. Sucks to lose your job, mudslinging in forums I hope makes you feel better. Seriously though, CC never catered to the Toms crowd - or to anyone for that matter that checks online prices. These are the places that still sell "premium" cables for 10x the online price. Power strips for $30, cheapest generic hardware for 2x online price. But I think the days of impulse buying shit you don't need are over. It's just too easy for even my grandmother to go online and read a review, compare prices. On anything. Hell, you can buy furniture online. I'm scratching my head for something that you can't (or wouldn't want to) buy online. Produce?
Went to two different Circuit City stores that happen to be near me and didn't see anything worth buying. The only thing in the store that I couldn't get cheaper elsewhere was blank DVD's which they had 100 for $7.99 after the 80% discount. Everything else was priced UP to MSRP and "discounted" down to prices that still wouldn't compete with Best Buy or Fry's.

The fact that the sales have gone quicker than expected just goes to show how dumb the average American shopper is. No way in hell I am spending more than $100 on electronic equipment that won't be backed by the store. Sure there are manufacturer warranties but they won't cover something that has been abused by employees who just don't give a damn. Not to mention the $100 I would spend at CC would equate to $75 or $80 at newegg or Fry's.
HotRoderX, I work(ed) at CC, and the liquidators literally told us not to bother finding anything, and don't waste too much time on each customer, not to socialize, etc, just get them in and out.. Yes, it was terrible, but it was the liquidation companies not CC. All of the managers were pretty much stripped of all responsibility except for the highest up to be keyholders and running around the store all day while the liquidator sat on his behind barking orders.

NuclearShadow and jeverson, just like I was explaining in my earlier post, the liquidators had full control of pricing, not even the store director (highest paid manager in the store) could change a dime off the marked price. Employees were stripped of their discounts as well.. and the liquidation rep didn't let anything get held back, so employees/managers or any part of the former CC had ANY control over anything, so don't put the blame on us.

rooket, the reason you still get the emails is because those warranties are still offered and are still insured. They are backed by a third party to CC, called Assurant solutions, who deal with many other warranty/insurance plans. Just like how you can buy extended warranties through other companies when you purchase something online.

I personally loved helping customers, I worked firedog/computer sales and could spend hours with a single customer giving advice and tips, helping them find exactly what they needed to get full use of their PC's, even if it included showing them something online (at other retailers) if we didn't offer it in store. My store was a very good one. I have been to many retailers, and I must say the crew I worked with (at least the crew in the PC department, I can't really speak for the entire store) was a top-notch bunch of people that gave excellent customer service. Yes I agree some of our prices were outrageous, but you have to realize that the difference between being able to go into a store to pick something up right away, where they are paying associates, electric bills, higher rent for being in malls and whatnot, you can't really make it a huge deal that the prices are higher than online, where items are shipped straight from a warehouse. They eliminate that middle ground completely. You also have to wait for your items to ship (days or weeks) worrying if it will get damaged, having to ship it back (more days) if something is wrong, and you can't try before you buy. If you really think about it the premium you pay isn't all that outrageous.. unless its something like monster cables.

My two cents.
[citation][nom]ChaosGS[/nom]Yeah was probably 1 dumbass called you.Nope i havent done anything wrong, just business practice. Hey guess what i gave someone a free monthly payment at Aarons yesterday, I STOLE IM A THIEF WTF HAXORS, that poor person got a free $100 payment wow im such a bad person.Ill see you in about an hour or 2, remember my order, 2 Double cheese burgers and a chocolate shake.[/citation]

Enjoy life at the EDD office chuckles.

i dont care about grammer on a forums, if this was an resume or application than id care but its not.[/citation]

[citation][nom]ChaosGS[/nom]Yeah was probably 1 dumbass called you.Nope i havent done anything wrong, just business practice. Hey guess what i gave someone a free monthly payment at Aarons yesterday, I STOLE IM A THIEF WTF HAXORS, that poor person got a free $100 payment wow im such a bad person.Ill see you in about an hour or 2, remember my order, 2 Double cheese burgers and a chocolate shake.[/citation]

Enjoy life in line at the EDD office chuckles.

Hey everyone, a highly trained former CC employee is now at your beck and call.
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