Clevo 570 fan problem


Oct 24, 2006
Hi all,

I have a Clevo-based laptop and I'm having issues with the large, main fan. Basically, it's making a complete racket and I can't bring it into the study hall, meetings, etc. I'm not sure of the decibels, but it's enough so that you need to raise your voice above a normal conversation level to be heard :heink:

That said, I was wondering if any folks who are familiar with the Clevo 570-based laptops would be willing to lend a hand as far as how to replace the fan. I tried to take it out before, but it's firmly set in a metal panel and I'm not sure what part to remove first.

Any help appreciated, thanks!
I have a Clevo 570u, I think you'll need to talk to your seller to return the laptop to have it fixed. The seller might send it back to the factory to have it replaced, because from what I've heard from Mark at Killer Notebooks, the fan is a mess to work with, and it's better to send it in. Phone or email your seller and see what they say. If it's still within warranty, it should apply there, if not, the cost of a new fan is low, though shipping might bump it up quite a bit.