Combat vs Air & Sea battle for the only child



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I commented earlier that even though I was thrilled to have an Atari
2600, it was a little frustrating to have Combat as the only game,
since I had no brothers or sisters to play it with.

Another guy here (who's name escapes me) commented that he felt the
same way, though he had Air & Sea battle.

While Combat is dear to me anyway since it was my first 2600 game, I
have to say that I would have MUCH rather had Air & Sea battle in my
situation if I had it to do over again. It was a game that you could
play by yourself, since the "enemies" were controlled by the computer
(while the second tank in Combat was not). There's really no way you
could "play" combat by yourself. At least with Air & Sea battle, you
could try to best your high score each time.

I actually never even really knew that any other game was available for
the 2600 pack-in besides Combat. What was it, the Sears Video Arcade
that had Air/Sea battle as the pack in???
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drewbar wrote:

> >
> If memory serves me correctly, we had pacman included in the Atari
> for a whilst in Oz.
> -drewbar-

Yes, this was in the later years of the 2600, way before Pac Man came
out, it was generally COMBAT, but apparantly Air-Sea battle was
included in some setups instead.
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The Space Boss wrote:
> I commented earlier that even though I was thrilled to have an Atari
> 2600, it was a little frustrating to have Combat as the only game,
> since I had no brothers or sisters to play it with.
> Another guy here (who's name escapes me) commented that he felt the
> same way, though he had Air & Sea battle.
> While Combat is dear to me anyway since it was my first 2600 game, I
> have to say that I would have MUCH rather had Air & Sea battle in my
> situation if I had it to do over again. It was a game that you could
> play by yourself, since the "enemies" were controlled by the computer
> (while the second tank in Combat was not). There's really no way you
> could "play" combat by yourself. At least with Air & Sea battle, you
> could try to best your high score each time.
> I actually never even really knew that any other game was available for
> the 2600 pack-in besides Combat. What was it, the Sears Video Arcade
> that had Air/Sea battle as the pack in???
If memory serves me correctly, we had pacman included in the Atari pack
for a whilst in Oz.

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> > I actually never even really knew that any other game was available for
> > the 2600 pack-in besides Combat. What was it, the Sears Video Arcade
> > that had Air/Sea battle as the pack in???

Yes it was Air Sea Battle as a pack in for the Sears...

However, don't forget, it was called TARGET FUN. :) Another re-labled
Sears goody