Compaq Presario V 2000 Wide Screen Laptop Monitor Problems


Mar 16, 2010
I am attaching a few pics of my laptop monitor now . Can you please tell me if this is a hardware error which can be rectified by replacing the monitor ? Please somebody guide me to replace this as if I go to a shop they are gnna cost me a lot more and buying a new laptop would be a better option .
How this happened - I accidently hit my leg on the laptop and jammed it against the wall and ever since the monitor is like this .I plan to replace the Monitor by buying a spare parts laptop that sells in ebay . I wonder if this is a LCD HARDWARE problem or problem with the cable that goes to the monitor . THE OS works fine in the computer .I hope my question is clear .


Aug 19, 2008
You need a new LCD screen, I would check with ebay for the price and get one with the lamp and invertor attached, so would will not have any issues removing the old ones. You can get instructions on how to replace the screen at the HP.COM website. Anything more that half the price of a new laptop is not worth it.