Compatible replacements for an expensive LCD screen?


Dec 10, 2013
So I have an ASUS U47A-BGR4, and the laptop screen was cracked (I think someone sat on my bag while it was in there). It was only across a small portion of the screen, and I could use Windows Magnifier to view what was broken, so I wasn't too stressed about it. Until I saw the price of a new screen.

So while I was searching for cheap alternatives I called a local repair shop to ask questions, and the owner told me to bring it in so he could check the part number. I brought it to the shop, and he checked it out. The only part number (which I had already checked and told him while on the phone) was HW14WX107-02. In the process of checking, though, he damaged my screen even more and now it has gone all white! >_____> and he won't be giving me a discount despite him breaking it more. Plus he can't find a cheap compatible replacement.

I was hoping someone could help me out? Here are the specs:

40 pin connector

And the guy from the shop said it was a connector on the left side, but idk if he meant from the back or front, and I don't have the laptop with me atm to check.

ALSO I found that the screen is either an Infovision or a BOEHydis. I can't confirm this though because I only found those as the brand of screen on one site each. If it is BOEHydis, though, I found out that the following screens are compatible (though still extremely expensive, and I probably won't get them if possible):


HW14WX102 is probably compatible (if it exists) but I haven't seen anything about it so i'm unsure.

I'm a broke college student, and I tend to buy the least expensive parts possible (I got a Hard Drive for $22 on Amazon, that's proof enough). So if someone can help me find a cheaper alternative than $98 ( or $150 (ebay) please let me know!
Hi NotTechAtAll,
I have the same problem, screen damage at the right corner, let me know if you find a replacement. I found, like you did, some models that the sellers claim to be the replacement but I don't want to get an uncompatible unit since there are a few of them and I don't think they all match... So I'll be gratefull if you tell me what you have found.

Thank you
A sort of bump, sorta update. The reason the screen is so expensive is due to the screen being slim, and the brackets that keep the LCD attached to the lid are built into the screen in an odd position. Is there a way to rig a cheaper slim screen so that it would have simillarly placed brackets? There are many screens that could work, if not for the issue with the bracket placement. Thank you for reading (if anyone is reading this)

Hi NotTechAtAll,
I have the same problem, screen damage at the right corner, let me know if you find a replacement. I found, like you did, some models that the sellers claim to be the replacement but I don't want to get an uncompatible unit since there are a few of them and I don't think they all match... So I'll be gratefull if you tell me what you have found.

Thank you