[citation][nom]RooD[/nom]Note to self bring a gun to the theater for all cell phone users... never know which one will have you killed... Really though this is why i dont go to the movies i have almost gotten into a fight every time in the past few years because im not afraid to tell people to shut up and put their phone away[/citation]
I'm 6'7" and have faced down two young punks before. Nevermind that they're black, but there's a respect/authoritarian figure issue with inner city kids these days. We need dads. Real, good, disciplinarian dads. We need to promote corporal punishment while educating parents on where the line is.
A "whoopin" as a kid is preferrable to thirty years of prison later on because daddy wasn't there to beat the crap out of you when you ran your mouth or did something stupid.
We also need to fix this damned court system and make it easier for good dads to be a (much needed) part of their kid's lives.
These days I'd say use the buddy system if you're going out in public. Especially if you're female or not a very big guy like myself. ALWAYS be aware of what's going on around you, even if you're engrossed in a movie. The military teaches awareness, and most terrorism is DOMESTIC.