Solved! Connecting Samsung tv to subwoofer with 5 speakers by optical lead

Sep 22, 2018
Am new apologies if this had already been published.

Have Acoustic Solutions subwoofer which had 5 speakers coming out of it. The subwoofer is connected to Samsung tv via optical lead. Samsung tv is connected to Samsung 4K player. Result: I get surround sound for my tv programs and 4K player.

Has been working well but subwoofer is making loud noise all of a sudden so think is broken. I cannot find a new subwoofer and speaker system - that I can connect to my tv via optical lead. Does anyone know any retailers that still sell such a product. Or does anyone have any genreal advice on what is sensible in this situation.

With thanks in advance. Best regards.


Question from leebee501 : "5.1 speakers optical connection to tv"

Sep 22, 2018
Hi JSmithepa,

I would love to but the set I bought was bought about 5-10 years ago and it doesn’t seem to be on sale any more. Though I am hoping the community may be aware of a similar system that is available for sale in the UK? (I have tried Argos and Currys and they don’t seem to sell such a thing. The only solution that I am told would work is getting a set of 5 speakers/subwoofer AND an anplifier and am being quoted a lot of money for that. Whilst that is an option - I’m hoping I can get the cheaper option I have described above). Hope this helps. Any thoughts community?
Well they may have stopped selling this exact model, but should have some kind of similar replacement. These things are oftenly called Home Theater Speakers, and sometimes it comes with a box, the amplifier, and all you need to pay attention to is, it comes with a Toslink jack.

Unfortunately, we are just hobbyists like you, not salesmen, so don't have any recommendation on top of head.
Sep 22, 2018

Thanks for your note. I agree that a similar product -I don’t mind who the manufacturer is-is probably available somewhere: ie with amplifier built into subwoofer and optical lead connection from subwoofer to tv. That solution will meet need of not taking up too much space and being relatively cheap. Though have Googled but am struggling to find. If I do find I will let the community know. Thanks.