Coolscan V slide scanner - advice



Archived from groups: (More info?)

I have access to a Coolscan V scanner and plan to scan my slides (800
or so) and colour negative film (strips of 6, usually) to archive
them. Probably will not print many at this time.

Does anyone have experience with this scanner, or similar - could you
direct me to any web sites that provide hints and advice (all I get
with Google is ads and reviews).

Since I have PhotoShop 7 (on my PC) should I take time with the
scanner software to make adjustments as I'm scanning?

Thanks in advance.


+ The News Guy(Mike) - Seinfeld Lists
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Archived from groups: (More info?) (TheNewsGuy(Mike)) writes:

> I have access to a Coolscan V scanner and plan to scan my slides (800
> or so) and colour negative film (strips of 6, usually) to archive
> them. Probably will not print many at this time.

> Does anyone have experience with this scanner, or similar - could you
> direct me to any web sites that provide hints and advice (all I get
> with Google is ads and reviews).

I'm using a Nikon LS-2000 scanner, not *that* different.

> Since I have PhotoShop 7 (on my PC) should I take time with the
> scanner software to make adjustments as I'm scanning?

There's a LOT to learn about scanning. It will take you a while to
learn it. Therefore, if you possibly can, I suggest sanning
relatively small numbers of images, working with them for a while, and
then going back and scanning more -- because that way there'll be
fewer you have to go back and redo as you realize how much you've
learned along the way.

The software for my LS-2000 supports real analog exposure adjustment.
That's definitely worth doing, if your originals warrant it.
Otherwise, it's worth considering making the "bigger" movements
(big changes to brightness, contrast, or color) at the scanner level,

Be sure to use ICE. Be sure to clean the originals as well as you
can. ICE saves work, but doesn't actually magically restore the
covered-up pixels; it just interpolates something reasonable, same as
the healing brush basically. (ICE doesn't work with silver-image B&W
films, but you said color; ICE gives some trouble with some Kodachrome
slides but not all, so keep that in mind if you have Kodachrome in the

I find I can mix waiting for the scanner and doing some of the
necessary work in Photoshop, and that saves me some time. Simple
stuff like going through and retouching dust and
gunk-stuck-in-the-emulsion spots (on a separate "retouch" layer, of

I've seen a number of favorable recommendations for
<>, but haven't read it through myself.
David Dyer-Bennet, <>, <>
RKBA: <> <>
Pics: <> <>
Dragaera/Steven Brust: <>
Archived from groups: (More info?)

TheNewsGuy(Mike) wrote:

> I have access to a Coolscan V scanner and plan to scan my slides (800
> or so) and colour negative film (strips of 6, usually) to archive
> them. Probably will not print many at this time.
> Does anyone have experience with this scanner, or similar - could you
> direct me to any web sites that provide hints and advice (all I get
> with Google is ads and reviews).
> Since I have PhotoShop 7 (on my PC) should I take time with the
> scanner software to make adjustments as I'm scanning?
> Thanks in advance.
> Mike

That many slides just scan straight to a file with either the Nikon
software or Vuescan Software.

To do a better job make adjustments in the scanner software so you have
a more accurate file.

Have you looked at site?

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