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More info?)
On Fri, 24 Sep 2004 13:22:21 -0400, "Dave Robb" <>
>What's up with ? I've never been able to activate DVA
>without disabling my firewall. Please clue me in.
> looks like an internet address, but isn't. It's the
address used on uPnP (universal Plug 'n' Play) network packets. Your
firewall may be set to pass any LAN addresses (mine was), but isn't
recognizing this one. You need to set up a seperate rule for passing
Before passing that address (which can be blocked at your router), I
could only get DVA to work on certain computers. On others, it would
hang (usually on the splash screen). If DVA did start, it would take a
long time to find the Replays, and be slow in a lot of other places.
Strangely, it would work once but never again until an OS reinstall.
The server (the part that shows up to the Replays) never worked.
There's another (unexplained) thing. When you stop DVA, it tries to
connect to However, blocking this doesn't seem to be causing
any trouble.
>"Mark Lloyd" <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 23:09:56 GMT, Joe Allison <> wrote:
>> >Can someone givr me some insite to coping a downloaded show to a DVD in
>> >a compatible format for viewing on a home DVD player? I have DVARCHIVE
>> >3.1 and NERO 6.0 software to do this with. Any help will be appreciated.
>> The MPEG file from the Replay is almost compatible with DVD. There's a
>> way to fix it with freeware, but I use the program "MPEG-VCR" from
>> http

/ You load the file (from the
>> Replay), remove commericals if you want, then save it (make sure it's
>> with a different filename). The result is compatible with DVD
>> authoring programs (I use ULead, which came with my DVD burner). You
>> may have such software with Nero, called "Nerovision Express". Nero
>> itself can burn the output from this program (make sure to select "DVD
>> video" and use the VIDEO_TS directory.).
>> Note that if you use Standard quality, the video will have the wrong
>> aspect ratio on the PC screen, but will play OK from DVD. I've done a
>> lot that way.
>> BTW, DVArchive 3.1 fixed a lot of the probems in 3.0. I still wish the
>> docs would tell you about Your firewall needs to pass
>> it. That's why I couldn't get the Replays to recognize DVA for the
>> first 16 months of so.
>> --
>> 99 days until the winter solstice celebration
>> Mark Lloyd
92 days until the winter solstice celebration
Mark Lloyd