Solved! Could someone please recognize anything of this laptop...?

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Sep 16, 2021
Hello everyone,

Could someone please recognize this laptop's brand, or series, or model number, anything?

I don't have a habit of photographing people around! I saw this young man sitting in the bus as he took this laptop out of a huge dirty backpack, which was a lot bigger than the laptop itself! Then he just kept turning and turning it and browsing, like he had no idea what he was dealing with (except that, ok, that was some portable PC). That indeed caught my attention.
He looke carefully at each and every of its ports and cards which were still inserted in it and tried to pull them out.
This photo was taken in such a moment.
The laptop had no external battery, as you can see...

Since yesterday, I still can't shake the impression that the laptop was not his and that it was stolen, and that he went somewhere specific to sell it.
When he left the bus I called the cops and sent them this picture and other info that could lead them if they were investigating some reported laptop theft at the moment.
I searched the internet and looked over many pictures, but haven't found any similar model, not even with this kind of rubber feet that were so distinctive.

Thank you all for your patience.
It's more likely it was bought from some pawnshop or Goodwill or something. Few clues about that, it's missing the battery and the drive bay cover and looks like there is no drive in it, not something that someone that was using a laptop before it got stolen would have had with those missing parts. It's exactly what someone would give away or donate instead of having to dispose of it properly since you can't really just toss those electronics in the trash in most countries. They probably saw it for like $30 in some store and thought they were getting a good deal on a "computer" or even pulled it out of the trash.
It looks like a very old Dell. That "port" on the bottom was the type used years ago to connect to proprietary docking stations. Likely worth very little today.
Thanks @COLGeek for your hint, but I think I found which one it was:
Lenovo ThinkPad T61

Since I saw many kinds of bottom labels during my search, I finally used these keywords and there it was:
laptop bottom label black

Thank you all for your patience.
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It's more likely it was bought from some pawnshop or Goodwill or something. Few clues about that, it's missing the battery and the drive bay cover and looks like there is no drive in it, not something that someone that was using a laptop before it got stolen would have had with those missing parts. It's exactly what someone would give away or donate instead of having to dispose of it properly since you can't really just toss those electronics in the trash in most countries. They probably saw it for like $30 in some store and thought they were getting a good deal on a "computer" or even pulled it out of the trash.
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