I just got a Cox mini cable box. I connected it to a Sony VCR; then, from the VCR to the Sansui CRT TV all by 2 coax cables. I programmed the remote control of the cable box to control the TV (volume, switch channel). I changed nothing on the remote control of the VCR. It is used to turn on/off the VCR, to set the time/date, and to pre-program recording TV shows.
At the set date/time, the VCR auto records but it failed to record the channel I indicated in the pre-program. To troubleshoot, I operated the recording function live. It recorded well. I have a feeling the VCR & the cable box are not synchronize. In other words, these 2 units don't talk to each other. As I changed the channel on the VCR, nothing changed on the TV. I used to be able to use the remote control of the VCR to switch channels on the TV; though, I didn't have any cable box connected in between the TV & VCR.
Could you please help me?
Thank you,
At the set date/time, the VCR auto records but it failed to record the channel I indicated in the pre-program. To troubleshoot, I operated the recording function live. It recorded well. I have a feeling the VCR & the cable box are not synchronize. In other words, these 2 units don't talk to each other. As I changed the channel on the VCR, nothing changed on the TV. I used to be able to use the remote control of the VCR to switch channels on the TV; though, I didn't have any cable box connected in between the TV & VCR.
Could you please help me?
Thank you,