Cpu speed slow down, is intel responsible

Feb 14, 2018
Hello everyone first off im running a desktop computer, win 8 CPU G3240 @ 3.1Ghz dual core

Not long after i heard the news that intel was going to slow down there CPUs by upto 30%
you know the CPUs that are at least 10 years old and don't use win 10 operating system, I've noticed my computer, well run sluggish. Assuming intel's responsible for this i have three questions i hope someone could shed some light on.

1) How can i fix this and get my computer's CPU running back to its original state ?

2) How can intel get away with this i NEVER asked for this, i don't want them tempering with MY computer

3) How can intel get away with this i NEVER asked for this, i don't want them tempering with MY computer

Thanks in advance for everyone or anyone with a solution or explanation for my problem :)
Well, I don't know that it isn't on my end, but I figured to begin with, this was the sort of answer I could get.

Lets just assume my computer has been infected with this security fix, there so called security fix. I don't want there security fix I feel Intel is intrusive i don't know how there given such rights to dig deep into anybody's computer in the whole world and just change there CPU speed at there command, I mean seriously is another two years going to go by and there going to subtract another 30% CPU speed rending our computers almost useless ?

Nevertheless how do I turn this around and get that extra 30 % CPU working again, use guys could know, I'm looking for help and I wont be getting any from Intel use guys seem pretty cleaver and any and all information is appreciated :)
So Intel ANNOUNCE ? read that word Announce they are purposely tampering whoevers CPU they want, Right ? down to 30% expect windows 10 of course, I've never experienced any slow downs on my PC in my life until recently.

Nobody cares, this conversation right here is a perfect example of how Intel can get away with this, there's no help, no community, hundreds of millions of people on the internet and absolutely nothing and at this point, as far as i know, there is no way to reverse this .

My god are we really losers , and Intel's smiling ear to ear.