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Actually John (before you chip in so 'helpfully'),
If you read secheese's original comment completely (as I did) you would have
noticed he finished off his comment about the commercially available cards
by saying: "However, a white sheet of paper works as well."
So before you start saying who does not understand what's 'going on' here
maybe you'd like to read a little more carefully and be a little less quick
with the derogatory remarks.
"John Francis" <> wrote in message
> And do you know why that is?
> It's because a random "white" object may not be accurately white,
> and you don't want to white-balance to a shade of off-white.
> A calibrated "white card" is just as hue-neutral as a grey card,
> and works just as well.
> So, basically, secheese is quite correct, and your "correction"
> just shows you don't understand what is going on. Sorry, DM.
> In article <08bRd.129963$>,
> DM <> wrote:
>>Sorry secheese, but whilst a white card is better than not balancing at
>>this is straight from Canon's 20D manual...
>>"Instead of a white object, an 18% grey card (commercially available) can
>>produce a more accurate white balance." (p52)
>>"secheese" <> wrote in message
>>> On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 12:59:08 GMT, Steve Cutchen <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>I'm looking for a target for making the photo needed to do custom white
>>>>balancing on my 300D. Something I could have confidence in and take
>>>>with me from gym to gym (I shoot a lot of volleyball...) Any ideas?
>>>>Is there a commercial target card or something like that?
>>> If I understand you correctly, what you're looking for is called a
>>> gray card; actually white on one side and gray on the opposite.
>>> Yes... you can buy them at any decent camera store. However, a white
>>> sheet of paper works as well.