Death of Hd-dvd & blu-ray next year


Jun 8, 2007
Prices of hd-dvd and blu-ray players and media might kill then before they even get off the ground why?

HD-VMD the players are 190 bucks for top end player and 150 for low end player, also they have the same storage capacity of blu-ray and best of all the dvd houses that do dvd's would not require re-tooling.

The media cost is half hd-dvd thus looks like the end of both formats, if i was movie industry i would dump hd-dvd and blu-ray.

The makers of hd-vmd are in contact with the movie studios as we speak players are out in limited quantity but retail release will be in 4th quarter.

Im usually right about stuff this stuff was at CEDIA so looks like this might be the future of HD. :bounce:

Sounds like a "Me too!" to me. But, it's too little too late at this point. HD-DVD & Blu-Ray will not have anything to worry about with this. they should be more worried about movie downloads, anyone remember DVD-A vs SA-CD?
Its not too late yet blu-ray and hd-dvd do not sell where i live only 1 store here has players and they are both $999
Movies are 50 bucks and not selling either, i know the manager of the store he said maybe they sold 4 players total.

Its more of a enthusiast product dvd outsells blu-ray and hd-dvd by a huge margin this is DVD but with more layers up to 20 so far.

There is no way to prevent anyone from copying movies its a pipe dream in history of copy protection they have all failed.

This will be the Wii of set top players at this price within 1 year they will drop to price of standard dvd players.

This format would be they way to go for hollywood so in long run best to dump blu-ray and hd-dvd, dvd still has life for many years still.

The burners are very affordable 😀 they are also being put in set top recorders as well, i don't think ill even think of buying a blu-ray or hd-dvd burners lol prices are way to high i can buy a whole system at that price.
By christmas both formats will have cheap players... as low as $150. There won't be any new formats that can compete starting this late in the game... the board is set... all the major players are committed.

Additionally... no support for Dolby TrueHD or DTS Master Audio... not good.