Dell Inspiron 1520 w/intel AGN - Can see networks but can't connect!


Jan 30, 2003
I just recently bought a Dell Inspiron 1520 with Vista Home Premium and the Intel AGN 4965 card.

All seemed well until suddenly, I can't connect to ANY wireless network that my card sees. Currently, I can see 4 wifi networks including my own. I cannot connect to any of the nonsecure networks. Mine has WAP security on it. When I try to connect to mine, it prompts me for my password, accepts it, but then I still can't connect.

I've never come across this before and I couldn't find anything on it. Did my internal wifi card go bad already?

Have you contacted Dell? Best option right now cuz it's hard to give help without seeing your exact settings.

One thing to try: Click on your wireless network, select your signal, click change advanced settings, and select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Make sure both are automatic or set to what yours needs (should be auto though). Mine got change the other day and although I was "connected" I couldn't get on the internet.
Problem is, I can't even connect. I've had the problem that I can connect but can't get on the internet. This isn't the case. I can't even connect to the router I see. I'll call Dell Tomorrow. Thanks.
Sounds like an M$ issue that my friend was having with his Lenovo. You might wanna check the Forums about it. I forgot the issue/solution, but it sounds very similar, Lenovo told him 3 times to re-install factory defaults, and yet it was M$ the whole time.

Lemme see if I can find something in the e-mail he CC'd me in on that he sent Lenovo.
Someone also mentioned a similar problem that was solved by turning off the bluetooth advanced discovery or something. I don't have bluetooth and I can't seem to find the link now. You might turn off bluetooth and see though. I will look for the link.

**EDIT** I found the article. Just skim down to the wireless section and see what they suggest.

Good Luck!!
I appreciate all the help guys. Turns out, I found the perfect solution for the problem.

I installed Windows XP Pro....ha ha...

Actually, everything works better under XP. Higher benchmark scores all around. Woo-Hoo

That, and 3ds Max plays with XP a lot nicer than Vista.
it is right way that disable the BT option in BIOS if no BT HW installed , or you may uninstall Dell wireless driver to Vista native one. hoping the issue goes away
After a loooooooong google surch, the answer of cattlebaron was correct.

If you downgrade to XP and reinstall your drivers check your advance driver settings.
So if have also a Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN mini-card check the following advanced settigings:
Bluethooth collaboration> must be disabled

THX, and i don't give a f*ck about the out dated topic, it helped me and if my answer help others than I'm happy :bounce: