Dell Inspiron 7559 One year old (Battery issues)

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May 7, 2017
Hello I have a Dell inspiron 15 7559 and I've had it for about 1 year now and I have recently started to notice that the battery no longer lasts as long as it used to. The laptop came with a 6 cell 74whr battery and would usually last around 8-7 hours on idle but now all of a sudden it lasts only for 2 hours on idle. I don't know why all of sudden the battery is having a short life. All the diagnostics test say the battery is operating normally and is in good condition, but my laptop dies after 2 hours just on idle I have to charge it multiple times. I have checked "Task Manager" for any programs utilizing my CPU which could be the source of the power consumption but my usage is staying near zero, switching over to the power saving profile has had no effect. Do batteries for laptops usually last this long and why has it started happening all of a sudden? Im not a heavy user sometimes I use it for gaming or web browsing or movies and that's like once or twice a week.

I have also called Dell for a replacement since the warranty is still valid, but they told me they would only give me a replacement if the battery was giving an error code. But all the tests say everything is fine.

Is there anything else I could be missing which could be causing this problem? Anyone else with this specific laptop having the same issues?
It sounds like you need a new battery.

I would call the manufacturer back, so you get a different person, and see if they can work with you on getting a new battery for it. Some customer service/tech support people (not to talk bad about them, I was one for a very long time. LOL) just do the minimum their job requires, so they won't do anything to help. Sad but true.

And if the person you get still stays with that line, ask for a supervisor. Keep going up the chain until you get someone who listens and can help.
It sounds like you need a new battery.

I would call the manufacturer back, so you get a different person, and see if they can work with you on getting a new battery for it. Some customer service/tech support people (not to talk bad about them, I was one for a very long time. LOL) just do the minimum their job requires, so they won't do anything to help. Sad but true.

And if the person you get still stays with that line, ask for a supervisor. Keep going up the chain until you get someone who listens and can help.
Hey wanted to know if your issue got resolved cuz I'm facing the same exact problem... Only difference is that I asked Dell support and they sent me a replacement and even that is giving the same reduced life of only 2 hrs....I cannot fathom whatever is happening here.... It has perplexed me
Hey wanted to know if your issue got resolved cuz I'm facing the same exact problem. The only difference is that I asked Dell support and they sent me a replacement and even that is giving the same reduced life of only 2 hrs....I cannot fathom whatever is happening here.... It has perplexed me
Hey! I bought the 7559 back in 2017 and have been facing the same issue. The support was of no help and I replaced the battery by myself but the situation is still the same. The difference is that my battery just gives around mere 45 minutes of battery after taking 2 full hours to charge. So did you find any solution to the problem or the reason behind it?
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