Solved! Dell Insprion 1545 DVD Drive Disapears


Apr 27, 2009
I have a Dell Insprion 1545 and the DVD drive shows up when i start the computer but then it Disappears and I just recently upgraded to Win7 home pre 32bit... Any help as to why this happens?
If you tell Windows to detect any new hardware from the device manager, does the drive re-appear? Have you checked the cable to the DVD drive inside the system? It may have come loose...
If you tell Windows to detect any new hardware from the device manager, does the drive re-appear? Have you checked the cable to the DVD drive inside the system? It may have come loose...
I've tried to detect it using Windows and it sometimes re-appears but then again it does it all on it's own every now and then and no I haven't opened it up to see if the cable is loose... maybe I'll try doing that next, will let you know what happens...