That's awesome. You got a good deal.
Most of the people that buy the Executioner are hard core gamers though. They don't go for the 7900 GS 256 MB as that can't compete with the 7900 GTX 512 MB. The 7900 GTX beats (2) 7900 GS's in an SLi configuration to give you an idea of the power differences.
As far as the screen, I have had people that actaully bought the DELL, returned it because of the difference in the screen quality. What you have to look for in an LCD screen is:
*Color Correctness
*Dark Spots or Blotchiness
*Uneveness at the corners
*Response Time
My ungrateful family recently whiped my grandmother in a "home" and to make themselves feel better got her a DELL 1710.
There is no comparing a DELL Inspiron series to the Executioner, or really any quality built laptop. The case is very cheap, the screen was so-so the performance? Forget about it. It can have the exact same components, but it was sluggish and slow. The hard drive comes loaded with crap, and you don't get any install disks so you can restore it back to "fully loaded with crap" level.
I mean, your knocking $2,000+ laptops, but it is like saying a Corvette is "better" than a Ferrari F430 Spider simply because it is cheaper.
Yes, the Corvette owner can say, "It's the same thing.", but trust me, they are not the same thing. If you had them side by side, and used them both, that is where you would see the numbers of the "
almost like" fall
way short from top of the line components of a real gaming laptop.
Most of the time life comes down to the people that do whatever it takes to get get top of the line things they want; and people that don't. The people that don't want to do what it takes then buy something lessor and are always trying to compare the two.
Most people can get by doing that... fooling themselves, but a lot of people can't, Those are the
"select few..." Those are the freaking killers out there. Those are my Ninja's.