Dell XPS vs. Inspiron

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I bought a E1705 and Paid only 1400$$$
2 GIG Ram
Upgraded the 17" Screen to nicest one
80 gig drive
Geforce 7900GS 256 Meg
XP Home
and the Case (which was 59$)
Runs Great!!!
Best part is it was $1400 not $2000+!!!

Oh and to get this kind of price you have to do a google search and find a dell coupon- $750 off laptops 1999 or more. Easy to do.
That's awesome. You got a good deal.

Most of the people that buy the Executioner are hard core gamers though. They don't go for the 7900 GS 256 MB as that can't compete with the 7900 GTX 512 MB. The 7900 GTX beats (2) 7900 GS's in an SLi configuration to give you an idea of the power differences.

As far as the screen, I have had people that actaully bought the DELL, returned it because of the difference in the screen quality. What you have to look for in an LCD screen is:
*Color Correctness
*Dark Spots or Blotchiness
*Uneveness at the corners
*Response Time

My ungrateful family recently whiped my grandmother in a "home" and to make themselves feel better got her a DELL 1710.

There is no comparing a DELL Inspiron series to the Executioner, or really any quality built laptop. The case is very cheap, the screen was so-so the performance? Forget about it. It can have the exact same components, but it was sluggish and slow. The hard drive comes loaded with crap, and you don't get any install disks so you can restore it back to "fully loaded with crap" level.

I mean, your knocking $2,000+ laptops, but it is like saying a Corvette is "better" than a Ferrari F430 Spider simply because it is cheaper. Yes, the Corvette owner can say, "It's the same thing.", but trust me, they are not the same thing. If you had them side by side, and used them both, that is where you would see the numbers of the "almost like" fall way short from top of the line components of a real gaming laptop.

Most of the time life comes down to the people that do whatever it takes to get get top of the line things they want; and people that don't. The people that don't want to do what it takes then buy something lessor and are always trying to compare the two.

Most people can get by doing that... fooling themselves, but a lot of people can't, Those are the "select few..." Those are the freaking killers out there. Those are my Ninja's.

That's awesome. You got a good deal.

Most of the people that buy the Executioner are hard core gamers though. They don't go for the 7900 GS 256 MB as that can't compete with the 7900 GTX 512 MB. The 7900 GTX beats (2) 7900 GS's in an SLi configuration to give you an idea of the power differences.

As far as the screen, I have had people that actaully bought the DELL, returned it because of the difference in the screen quality. What you have to look for in an LCD screen is:
*Color Correctness
*Dark Spots or Blotchiness
*Uneveness at the corners
*Response Time

My ungrateful family recently whiped my grandmother in a "home" and to make themselves feel better got her a DELL 1710.

There is no comparing a DELL Inspiron series to the Executioner, or really any quality built laptop. The case is very cheap, the screen was so-so the performance? Forget about it. It can have the exact same components, but it was sluggish and slow. The hard drive comes loaded with crap, and you don't get any install disks so you can restore it back to "fully loaded with crap" level.

I mean, your knocking $2,000+ laptops, but it is like saying a Corvette is "better" than a Ferrari F430 Spider simply because it is cheaper. Yes, the Corvette owner can say, "It's the same thing.", but trust me, they are not the same thing. If you had them side by side, and used them both, that is where you would see the numbers of the "almost like" fall way short from top of the line components of a real gaming laptop.

Most of the time life comes down to the people that do whatever it takes to get get top of the line things they want; and people that don't. The people that don't want to do what it takes then buy something lessor and are always trying to compare the two.

Most people can get by doing that... fooling themselves, but a lot of people can't, Those are the "select few..." Those are the freaking killers out there. Those are my Ninja's.

A Vette is a Vette And a Ferrari is a Ferrari.
I see your point and agree with it partially. I purchased the higer end screen and it is very nice. I also formatted and loaded XP Fresh. I did this to remove all the Dell crap. As far as system speed, it runs great. As far as the car analogy I think you are stretching it a bit.. I have a desktop system that I built 9 months ago and spent $2500 or so. All top of the line. It gets 8900 3dMarks in 3DMark05 and already it is getting out dated compared to whats out now. Laptops get out dated even quicker than desktops. Keep in mind Direct X 10 is coming out soon. To me, unless you are rich buy something with the most bang for the buck that has the ability to be upgraded. I can put a 7900GTX in my laptop if I wanted with minimal effort and my system can accept merom (Core 2) so it can be upgraded if needed.

Dont get me wrong if you have 2+ grand or so for a system yours is great. ( I looked at your systems by the way ) but for those on a budget you cant beat what I got. It isnt cheap or cheaply made, gets great reviews, runs cool, and did I mention I paid $1400 (that would loaded with a really nice case for 600$$$ Less) for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I had the choice of getting a corevette special edition loaded for 20 grand on sale or a Ferrari for a $600,000.00 I would get the Vette. 0-60 in less than 4 seconds is fast enough for me. Oh and I would get extended warranty just like I did on the Laptop... I mean how much faster is the Ferrari 0-60 considering thats pretty much what I would be doing. Not planning on going past 160 MPH you know.. 8O

Again for the Rich and Famous get your laptop and go get three Ferraris!

PS- No offense but you cant be truly objective here as you are naturally going to spin it your way as you are selling the high end laptop. I am a consumer letting other consumers know the facts about the laptop I just purchased. And to those of you with plenty of money, please share or get his laptop! :lol: So lets agree to disagree. :wink:
Ok, so you can put a 7900 GTX 512 in your case (supposedly) what do you think that cost? Not only that, you are doing a lot of "fantasy" component switching in your Inspiron. Why don't you open it up first and make sure you can get the Hog of a 7900 GTX in there before you go saying it's some easy swap out (once you spend $750 + for the card - if you can find one for sale)

You can put a Core 2 Duo in your system? I'd like to see that. There are 4 notebooks in the world right now that support Core 2 Duo that anyone I have talked to knows of. I can guaranty DELL aint one of them. Waiting for a DELL BIOS upgrade for your laptop to even know what the heck a Core 2 Duo is will be something you can post about here. DELL isn't exactly #1 when it comes to after-sale-support especially on new technology. To prove a point, DELL doesn't even offer the T2700 2.33 Ghz, that right there should tell you the BIOS isn't even up to date, let alone able to handle something cutting edge.

Even so, for the benefit of the doubt, I'll give it to you. First, where are you going to get a Core 2 Duo , next how much is that going to cost you?

As far as DX-10 video cards, you guys are getting so silly about this. Do you think a 7900 GTX isn't going to be able to support DX-10? You're crazy! Furthermore... freaking Windows XP doesn't support Dx-10 nor will it ever be able to support DX-10, so this isn't "months away" as you purport, you're talking 6 months MINIMUM, if Vista doesn't get pushed back again PLUS the expense of the O.S. which, by some accounts is going to be upwads of $400 for the "good" version.

I don't quite understand your extended warranty statement, since the second you touch that thing to upgrade it, Dell is going to void your warranty.

Wait 'till you go to try to sell that pig. What do you think you can get for it today? Problem with resale on a DELL, is that DELL doesn't care that their systems are a joke and they DUMP them on the market.
Read any post on here about $750 off coupons that are a dime a dozen, and available ALL THE TIME NOW... even from you.

No thanks.

You were correct in that I was stretchig my analogy of the Corvette and the Ferarri... DELL isn't a corvette, it's a 0% financed old body style Mustang they have to have incentives out the rear end on just to get rid of to some poor sucker that wandered unsuspectingly onto their lot... and Mike Dell is the greasy used car weasel that pedles his crap with mega-advertising. Unfortunately you do not understand the correlation between advertising dollars and good reviews. I do, first hand. I don't dump my computers because they're not junk. Why is it that DELL doesn't honor coupons on the XPS line?

I am not saying you didn't get a good deal. $1,400 it is.
BTW, the Executioner beats your desktop 3DMark scores you spent $2,500 on building. :tongue: is 64 bit, and doesn't need the $1,500 in upgrades to, to be a DELL... that has been upgraded. So since you spent $2,500 on a desktop and $1,400 on a laptop, you have a Mustang and a pinto.

PS : I agree we disagree.

My aren't we getting moody...

Thanks for making my point as your spin is making me dizzy....

You dont have to be mean. :lol:

If you think the Geforce 7900GTX will run DX10 then you must think a Geforce 2 can run DX10 (and in case someone lied to you it CAN'T). How stupid is that! Anytime a new DX comes out to fully utilize it you have to get a card that physically supports it.

Support for Microsoft DirectX 9.0 Vertex Shader 3.0
Note no mention of DX10 because it doesnt support it. Its just like playing a game with a card that supports up to DX8 the game lowers the features to match the capabilities of the graphics card.

You must be in sales and not IT because some of your arguements are just plain wrong. :roll:

Instead of name calling with the your laptop sucks and mine is better 6th grade crap. :twisted:
I personally think your pricing is way to high, as a consumer I want the max for my money and I dont want to be ripped off. So I researched and purchased the best for the price range I had. Since I am in IT, have 5 certs in IT(Microsoft & Comp), build, sell, and support PCs on the side from my IT job I feel I am at least competent. Anyway I am very happy with what I have as it is a well made well performing Laptop that was also WELL PRICED. I have never recommended Dell but after this as far as laptops I might. :wink:

Now lets be nice, no more negative talk, you feel free to recommend the laptop you are selling to make a profit (Which is fine of course but like I said makes you biased obviously) and I as a consumer will recommend a product that I physically have and like and have nothing to gain from recommending it (In other words no bias, just the facts and my honest opinion.) 8O
Try not to be so truculent. I am sure your laptops are great, I just think they are nowhere near as great as you think. 😀

Oh didnt see this had to add to it--
"BTW, the Executioner beats your desktop 3DMark scores you spent $2,500 on building. is 64 bit, and doesn't need the $1,500 in upgrades to, to be a DELL... that has been upgraded. So since you spent $2,500 on a desktop and $1,400 on a laptop, you have a Mustang and a pinto. "
According to your site the Executioner scores a little over 8000 in 3dmark05, my 2500 OLD SYSTEM I BUILT MONTHS AGO SCORES 8995...
Keep in mind it is a 7800GTX which is OLD NOW..... MINE IS 64 BIT to With Advanced Virus Protection!!! 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O Also displays CPU and Hardrive Temps on the front LCD, looks cool, has Dual Dual Layer DVDRWs, 2 gigs DDR500 ram, and the bios can be saved in 5 totally different configs that you can load at any time... Oh and the MB has 2 rows of diagnostic leds that will tell you exaclty what is wrong if something breaks. It also has UV sensitive materials blah blah blah you get the point.

You know what just leave me alone I dont feel like going back and forth with this stupid crap. Keep thinking what you are thinking I am sure I won't be able to get through to a popinjay like yourself.
Again lets agree to disagree. Now go troll, flame, or harass someone else please.

Wow, from one extreme to the next from the start to finish of that post.

You are correct that 8000+ was the 3D mark score... with the old 7900 256 MB, not the new card and chipset or the Core 2 Duo.

You must be in sales and not IT because some of your arguements are just plain wrong.
Since I am the ONLY notebook manufacturer in the freaking world with the Core 2 Duo out, that statement is just silly.
Can you give me an example of what you are referring to? Are you referring to the fact that XP Pro doesn't support DX-10, and never will? The cost of Vista Aero Ultimate? Or the simple conclussion that DX-10 is great from a marketing standpoint, but when you put it all together:
1. It isn't released yet to desktops
2. It has to be ported to notebook hardware
3. It will not work on XP
4. Vista is slated to be released January at the earliest to take advantage of it
5. Game designers are in the business of making money and not designing the greatest product in the world no one can use, even after Vista is released it will be MONTHS before a decent market base can be established
6. Is it really going to blow everyone's mind apart?

Did I say your laptop sucked?
I am not saying you didn't get a good deal. $1,400 it is.

MINE IS 64 BIT to With Advanced Virus Protection.. has Dual Dual Layer DVDRWs, 2 gigs DDR500 ram!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Somewhere in your 5 certifications they should have taught you that the Core 2 Duo IS 64 bit.
That is great your desktop has DDR500 memory, no match for the low latency DDR2-667 that the Executioner has, but great nonetheless... as well as a Dual Layer DVD burner.

I am sure your laptops are great, I just think they are nowhere near as great as you think.
Can you give me a link to another notebook with a 7900 GTX 512 MB, Core 2 Duo, WUXGA and internal 108 Mbps wireless?
I mean come on dude, give credit where credit is due.

"That is great your desktop has DDR500 memory, no match for the low latency DDR2-667 that the Executioner has, but great nonetheless... as well as a Dual Layer DVD burner."
Who cares? Intels memory system wasnt as effecient as AMD. I dont I care about how fast memory is (mine is default at 400 since it is amd but i clocked it higher)I care about good image and FPS...

"As far as DX-10 video cards, you guys are getting so silly about this. Do you think a 7900 GTX isn't going to be able to support DX-10? You're crazy!"
Uh no it isnt and that doesnt make me crazy. Just a fact of life.[/i

"Did I say your laptop sucked?" yes see below...

"DELL isn't a corvette, it's a 0% financed old body style Mustang they have to have incentives out the rear end on just to get rid of to some poor sucker that wandered unsuspectingly onto their lot... and Mike Dell is the greasy used car weasel that pedles his crap with mega-advertising. Unfortunately you do not understand the correlation between advertising dollars and good reviews. I do, first hand. I don't dump my computers because they're not junk."
Hmm sounds like you are slamming my Laptop along with thousands of other Dell laptops to me. So if you are not slamming my laptop then I am sure you would be happy to retract this statement.

"So since you spent $2,500 on a desktop and $1,400 on a laptop, you have a Mustang and a pinto." Now you are slamming my desktop to? How nice of you, even though it gets almost 9000 3dMarks and plays any game I want at 1600x1200 maxed out everything. Doesnt sound like a pinto? If it is then there are a lot of pcs on you site that fall somewhere beneath a yugo.

"Wait 'till you go to try to sell that pig. What do you think you can get for it today?" oh wait your not slamming my laptop. Liar.

PS Rev A02 bios supports Core 2 thank you very much.

Ok now I have quoted two seperate instances where you lied or where wrong.
1. DX10 on 7900gtx Never gonna happen.
2. Slammed my laptop then said you didnt.

I really dont have time to go into the other truculent statements you gave. So I will try one more time here, LEAVE ME ALONE go spread your propaganda and LIES to someone who cares.

Leave me alone sell your crap elswhere, go away.... Not interested in your product. Get it? Hope so, but I would not be suprised if you have something else stupid to say even though I quoted your lies.
I will give you credit your laptops have good performance. Ok? I agree with that still think priced a little high. But if they sell more power to you! :wink:

Bye now, gonna go play Call of Duty 2 at 1900x1200 max settings (80 fps is ok with me, oh and all settings maxed except dx9 I am honest!) now...
"Intels memory system wasnt as effecient as AMD. I dont I care about how fast memory is (mine is default at 400 since it is amd but i clocked it higher)I care about good image and FPS...
Brother, you are one step behind on Intel. I HAVE a 4400+ X2 desktop with 4 gigs of overclocked RAM. I've benchmarked it. The days of DDR memory are DONE. If you don't think so, look at your alma mater AMD and they went to DDR2. You saying they did that cause it ISN'T faster. Brah, wake up. I've benchmarked the C2D and it's freaking faster. You haven't case closed.
"As far as DX-10 video cards, you guys are getting so silly about this. Do you think a 7900 GTX isn't going to be able to support DX-10? You're crazy!"
Uh no it isnt and that doesnt make me crazy. Just a fact of life
You actually cut 2 different statements and put them together on this one... pretty common when someone has negated your argument, so I will re-post what I said about DX-10 and maybe you could dispute this HOME GROWN logic.
XP Pro doesn't support DX-10, and never will? The cost of Vista Aero Ultimate? Or the simple conclussion that DX-10 is great from a marketing standpoint, but when you put it all together:
1. It isn't released yet to desktops
2. It has to be ported to notebook hardware
3. It will not work on XP
4. Vista is slated to be released January at the earliest to take advantage of it
5. Game designers are in the business of making money and not designing the greatest product in the world no one can use, even after Vista is released it will be MONTHS before a decent market base can be established
6. Is it really going to blow everyone's mind apart?
Then you go on to say:
Did I say your laptop sucked?" yes see below...
But then post a quote which NO WHERE in it says anything about YOUR laptop sucking:
DELL isn't a corvette, it's a 0% financed old body style Mustang they have to have incentives out the rear end on just to get rid of to some poor sucker that wandered unsuspectingly onto their lot... and Mike Dell is the greasy used car weasel that pedles his crap with mega-advertising. Unfortunately you do not understand the correlation between advertising dollars and good reviews. I do, first hand. I don't dump my computers because they're not junk."
Hmm sounds like you are slamming my Laptop along with thousands of other Dell laptops to me.
So if you are not slamming my laptop then I am sure you would be happy to retract this statement.
I aint retracting shirt when it comes to DELL.
If you have to have a $750 OFF coupon to sell laptops, they are overpriced to the populace at large, you're ripping them off, and those in 'the know" about the DELL coupon SCAM, for lack of a better term, are getting them once in a while for what they are worth.
I said they're DUMPED, DELL is saying they're junk with that "incentive" themselves. If you need incentives to sell, to the tune of upwards of removing their astronomical a 60% mark-up (1999 - 750 = 1,249 Take that $750 OFF and divide it by what you paid once), brother, the MARKET is telling you the machine is JUNK! Not me. I'm just telling you what that doodle on the wall says.
Now you are slamming my desktop to? How nice of you, even though it gets almost 9000 3dMarks and plays any game I want at 1600x1200 maxed out everything. Doesnt sound like a pinto?
Dude, you started slamming $2,500 gaming notebooks! Then you had to compare your desktop to the Executioner because your freaking DELL can't compete. 2 posts up your system had 8,000 3D Marks, now it has 9,000, which is it? I'm taking ALL COMERS baby, notebook, desktop, you put it in front of the Executioner and like the name says... NOT ONCE HAVE YOU MENTIONED YOUR NOTEBOOK IN COMPARISON.
Wait 'till you go to try to sell that pig. What do you think you can get for it today?" oh wait your not slamming my laptop. Liar
Honestly though, what do you think that thing is worth 20 minutes after it leaves DELL?
LEAVE ME ALONE go spread your propaganda and LIES to someone who cares.
Are you kidding right now? Am I seeking you out? This is a public forum, and GOOD HUMOR to say the least for the people that come here... I mean, thank GOD this will be preserved forever on the internet for posterity's sake. Maybe they will beam this shirt into space as a first contact message to get E.T.'s guard down.
Not interested in your product. Get it?
Brovine... it aint for sale to you. This is for the select few... It's like a Jeep thing baby, you wouldn't understand.
Benchmark Settings
Program Version 3DMark05 Revision 2 Build 0

Resolution 1024x768@32 bit

Anti-Aliasing None

Texture Filtering Optimal

Vertex Shader Profile 3_0

Pixel Shader Profile 3_0

Force Full Precision Off

Disable DST Off

Disable Post-processing Off

Force Software Vertex Shaders Off

Color Mipmaps Off

Repeat Count Off

Main Test Results
3DMark Score 8985 3DMarks

CPU Score 7363 CPUMarks

Leave me alone weirdo I aint your brother. LEAVE ME ALONE. In other words leave me alone go elsewhere. Bother someone else. Man you are out there... I agree it takes a special kind of person to buy crap from you I just think we differ on what the term special means.

Oh and by the way, LEAVE ME ALONE

So you brag ALL OVER this forum about how butter smooth (which you got out of a post from a customer of mine on the Assassin BTW) this thing is a native resolutions of 1920 x 1200 and, this is my favorite, YOU BENCHMARK IT WITH AT THE LOWEST RESOLUTION! YOU RAN IT ONE TIME ACORDING TO YOUR LOG AND THIS IS GREAT, YOU CAN WRITE DOWN ANYTHING YOU WANT HERE AS A RESULT! BRILLIANT! My favorite is when a crappy T2400 1.83 Ghz Core Duo pulls off a 7363 CPU Mark score. You're right... that IS some system.

This has been totally fun, but I just can't even take you seriously anymore.

I have to put you in the COMPLETE joke category now.

If I ever hear of anyone needing a DELL Zombie, I will let you know so you can move out of your MOM's basement kid-o.
Hey brovine, I read your post in another thread that went EXACTLY like this...
I payed Call of Duty 2 at native res 1900x1200 last night max settings (Except running dx7)
OK, now I am confused. This notebook is so freaking hot we are at risk of it melting through the mantle of the Earth, hitting the water table and China Syndroming us all the HELL, and it WON this BIG HONKIN' TROPHY :trophy: from Beauty Journal, yet... you're running DX7 on your games?

I thought you were pulling 9,000 3D Marks and 7,400 CPU marks on this beast and it was ALL BUT turning green it was such a freaking MONSTER :evil:

What happened little guy :?:

Here is an email I received tonight to juxtapose your post:
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

...Of course when I fired up Ghost Recon… It looked better than Xbox 360. My friends either call it the MEC (Mobile Entertainment Center) or MOAB (Mother Of All noteBooks). Again Thanx.
Maybe your friends could call yours "Pequeño Pinto" or something.

I know! That's what I was trying to tell him before he over medicated himself when he realized in another thread he posted his 3D Marks at 6,400 then suddenly here it jumped to 8,900 or something.

Then I saw he started a thread of how great "the deal" he got was, and everyone should get it, and a couple people wrote in and said they couldn't get "the deal" or how to get "the deal" and he melted down on them and now I don't see that thread anymore.

"What is.... the deal?" LOL