Dept. of Defense Making Anti-smoking Game

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Feb 24, 2007
[citation][nom]grieve[/nom]The point making it illegal is to make it less readily available.I agree criminalizing alcohol, pot, and cigarettes would not stop consumption; however it certainly reduces the total user count. Imagine how many crack heads there would be if you could buy it @ the store?As a smoker, if I could not walk into a store to buy cigarettes I would face the music… time to quit. There is simply no way in hell I’m going to risk my carrier/life to buy cigarettes from some junky and face jail time. I would be willing to bet at least 70% of smokers would see it this way as well. As hard as it is to stop smoking, I feel we just need some real incentive.[/citation]

You don't want to give up your time and spend part of your life in jail? Isn't that what you're doing anyway by smoking? Giving up time? Smoking = death. It's no secret. You put bad chemicals into your body like POISON and you will certainly die. Nevermind if it takes awhile. Why not just sample some mercury? It makes about as much sense as smoking. You have a billion reasons to quit smoking, and NONE to keep on. It doesn't look cool. So that's out the door. It doesn't relieve stress either. It causes it. If you don't get your nico-fix you're stressed out. Quit smoking, and live a bit more carefree with that $1200K a year in your pocket.


Feb 24, 2007
God we need an edit button. $1200 *extra a year. I didn't mean to hit K. K? And in my post above it should say "fine" Nobody wants to spend an extra 5 min proofreading everything. Hell, the authors here don't even proof their work. Why should the posters? GET US AN EDIT BUTTON ALREADY! EVERYONE HAS BEEN CRYING FOR ONE!


Aug 30, 2007
Well you can edit your posts sometimes, if you dig around through your post history, it will show this News article, and you can view it as a forum topic and edit it there. I emphasize sometimes, as I think it requires someone to have replied since you posted.


Grieve: If you take Holland(where you can buy recreational drugs at any coffee shop) as an example, you could draw the conclusion that the drug-use rate would be slightly lower than it is in America right now. Portugal is another fine example, they decriminalized EVERYTHING, and every statistic available suggests that not only did social problems not get any worse, they actually got better.

Unfortunately, there are too many people like you that have been taking in the same tired old Reagan era propaganda, without paying any attention to what a failure those policies really are. Go research Holland and Portugal, educate yourself.


Jul 6, 2008
[citation][nom]JonnyDough[/nom] Personally, I think you're probably just another H.S. dropout who wants cash in his pocket and bought into the propaganda of your native country.[/citation]

I enlisted to serve my country. I don't make policies, or declare war, or make any calls. So why would you critisize me? I respect your right to disagree with US policies, but what does that have to do with a person who selflessly raised his hand and said "I swear to protect this country from all enemies, foreign or domestic".

You're focusing your hate in the wrong area. Thats ok though, lots of people do that. Kinda like when you call tech support guy and yell at him over the phone for a bad product. He didn't design the thing, he just answers the phones.....

And I graduated highschool (No GED here) and then went on to get a degree in my spare time, while serving my country as a full time soldier getting shipped off to the desert for 15 months at a time. dick.


Jul 6, 2008
Oh, and I was offered a free ride through college right after I graduated highschool, an offer which I refused, and enlisted because I wanted to serve my country, and earn my education with my own hard work.

Anyway, back to the subject. This project may cost money now, but in the long run it will probably help decrease the amount of tax money is spent on health care for soldiers and veterans who get illnesses caused by smoking. It's an investment for the future.

And I think many people on this site would agree, this is a tech generation, and what better median is there to send a message then video games?

Hell, America's Army worked great to get tons of people interested in being a soldier. Why wouldn't this work just as well in this day and age?


Feb 24, 2007
Am I supposed to be glad that you go out into a foriegn nation and stir up a bees nest? Why do you think Osama Bin Laden and his cronies came to bomb us in the first place? We don't just "have enemeies". We make them through violence and demands that we inject into other nations. Violence begets violence. It's in the Bible man. You kill one person and 5 kids rise to take their place 20 yrs later. So I guess I should thank you for making me enemies and using my cash to do it. Next time you want to defend my country, do it from within it.


Feb 24, 2007
The way I see it I'm a true patriot, I believe in FREEDOM. That means freedom from the tyranny of another nation, but it also means my own government. Last I checked, I could be jailed for not paying taxes. My government should FEAR ME. The problem is with kids like you who take up arms. I can't fight you. You're a well trained soldier. I'm just a stupid civilian. But without me, you have no purpose. Without you...well...I could actually try making peace with my neighboring country and I'd have more cash in my pocket. If the neighboring country tries to invade, don't worry...I'll gladly take up arms and fight beside you then. But I guess I don't see the need to not only LIE TO THE PUBLIC, but to TRAVEL HALFWAY AROUND THE GLOBE AND KILL PEOPLE. I LIVE HERE!


Apr 25, 2006
[citation][nom]Enlightenmental[/nom]Grieve: If you take Holland(where you can buy recreational drugs at any coffee shop) as an example, you could draw the conclusion that the drug-use rate would be slightly lower than it is in America right now. Portugal is another fine example, they decriminalized EVERYTHING, and every statistic available suggests that not only did social problems not get any worse, they actually got better.Unfortunately, there are too many people like you that have been taking in the same tired old Reagan era propaganda, without paying any attention to what a failure those policies really are. Go research Holland and Portugal, educate yourself.[/citation]

Dude you go educate yourself. It is a different culture over here than it is in Europe it has nothing to do with policy. Portugal has a population of 10 million Holland has 16 million. We here in the US have over 300 million people. That in itself is a big factor. You can't compare apples and oranges. Drug use has dropped in the US in the last 30 years because of education and discussions about drugs. Airborne11b is correct that if people stopped smoking we would save billions in heath care costs and maybe we could afford for everyone to have low cost or even free health care for everyone. But over here we seem to think that it is cool to smoke and take drugs. Those people will never see the damage that it truly does to families and children. If I had a dollar for every drug positive baby born in this country I would be a rich man. But keep on proving that you are a man with big balls and be stupid.


Yeah, I can't applaude Mr. Airborn. I too served in the Army, I joined before 9/11. After 9/11, I bought into the whole Afghanistan war at first, but right when the Iraq war propaganda was firing up, I'd figured out that it was all a crock of shit. So, rather than "follow orders", I went to extraordinary lengths to get a dishonorable discharge, and I couldn't be more proud of it. My last handful of IT jobs certainly didn't care, it hasn't stopped me from doing anything with my life.

Remember, history does not look fondly upon those who were "just following orders", there's a special place in hell for people like those, the Romans, the Nazis, the Soviets, etc...


Feb 24, 2007
Amen to that HighSpeed. Few think it through. We just follow in our forefather's footsteps, without realizing that today is not the same as yesterday, but history does repeat itself. There will come another revolution. Anyone who thinks the U.S. will not eventually fall is just a fool. All great civilizations fall. I stand for human rights, freedom, honor and respect. I don't get caught up in the times, or in battles that can't be won. I don't need to take up arms and head to some desert to love my family and protect them. I know for a fact that there are evil men everywhere who want my money and my land. Just because they call themselves Americans does not mean they are not crooks. Be weary of your government, for it is they that will steal from you first. They are already here on this land, they have the force of your neighbor and guns behind them, and they are more readily trusted by the masses.


Jul 13, 2008
the US government really doesnt want to stop peopel form smoking, nor do they really want to make cigerettes illeagal, the money they make off it in the current taxes on tobacco FAR exceeds teh money they would make from busting smokers if it became illeagal. Cigarettes while being highly addictive is one of the relatively easy dugs to qui, I can guarantee you mroe than half the current smokers in US would quit if it were made illegal , not because it became illeagal and they fell morally obligated to follow the law, but mainly because it would cost more to get cuaght smoking than it woudl to just quit. on top of that if cigaerettes were to become illegal the goverment woul start finidg other thigns to tax .. such as "luxuries" like computers , video games , consoles ect ect. the only alternative would be to watch teh economy collapse as milions of tobbaco workers get laid off and the goverment looses one of it's GREATEST sources of income. i am a smoker and aprt of me would love to quite cos theya re jsut gettging to expensive with teh taxes but i'm not gonna lie and say that makign tobbaco illeagal would only avhe positive effects .. srue the country would be healthier .. but well we might wind up hungerier at the same time as well as poorer. the simple fact is, The tobacco industry is a vast resource to the goverment on both the state and federal level.


Jul 13, 2008
[citation][nom]JonnyDough[/nom]Am I supposed to be glad that you go out into a foriegn nation and stir up a bees nest? Why do you think Osama Bin Laden and his cronies came to bomb us in the first place? We don't just "have enemeies". We make them through violence and demands that we inject into other nations. Violence begets violence. It's in the Bible man. You kill one person and 5 kids rise to take their place 20 yrs later. So I guess I should thank you for making me enemies and using my cash to do it. Next time you want to defend my country, do it from within it.[/citation]

hey Jerk off ... quit attacking our soldiers with your insults , sure if you want to vent your anger DO IT TO THE GOVERMENT they started teh war NOT our soldiers. it's not a soliders choice what battles they fight and where they go , soldiers LOOSE all civilan rights when they sign up , bassically they are owned by the goverment, spitting at them with hate IS NOT THE THING TO DO. and it is certainly not a deccent thing to do , since these guys (and gals ) do as they are told risking thier lives , when more than half the time ALL THEY WANT IS TO BE HOME. many soldiers sign up to work for cllege or jsut as a job , they didnt wake up one day and say "hey i want to go kill folks" THE REASONS FOR THE CONFLICTS ARE NOT THIER FAULT !!!!!!!!!!

it jsut pisses me off to see douche bags liek you berate them and insult them for bassically NOT having a real choice. be thank ful you are IN the USA , that allows you to talk bad abotu it's soldiers, becasue MANY countries require EVERY able man server the army for at elast 1 year if not more.

P.S. for teh record i'm not itnot eh military myself , in fact i'm a long haired hippy /metal head .. i jsut hate seeing morons blame the wrong people .. it makes you no better than the jerk offs that blame violent crime on video games. AGAIN TARGET THE RIGHT PEOPLE WITH YOUR INSULTS NOT OUR MILITARY.


Jul 13, 2008
[citation][nom]JonnyDough[/nom]That's the problem with you idiots who fight wars so some politicians can make money. Bush is under the thumb because he threw party for his contracting friends in Iraq without any real support.Defend my homeland, and I'm find with that. Our forefathers only wanted LOCAL MILITIA FOR A REASON. They didn't want to conquest. The original colonies tried to make PEACE with the Natives and wanted to be out from under the tyranny of foriegn rule. They certainly didn't want to terrorize other nations, like we've done to Iraq. Remember the Pilgrims and the war against England?Insulting CIVILIANS is pretty retarded, since you claim to be defending us. The hell if I have much say where my tax dollar goes. Personally, I think you're probably just another H.S. dropout who wants cash in his pocket and bought into the propaganda of your native country.[/citation]

judging form your "perspective" on hsitory your sound liek teh college drop out ... oru forfathers were not teh "goddly" men that never did any wriong .. most owned slaves ..and truth be told ... the american revolution was fought for 2 reasons

1. the tax with out rep thing ,

and 2 . england drew a line and said you colonist cant go past here that is for the natives ... and well teh colonist .. our fore fathers included .. said "that's BULL S--- we want to take every thing we dont care if natives are there screw em"

this little fact of history gets covered upr eal nicely in most high school history books , but most any really educatred person knows our war for independance wasfoguht for two reasons one og those beign we just wanted to take every thing that wasn't nailed down.



Mar 9, 2009
Hell if it wasn't for the fact that our country is in debt we would be the very essence of acenct Rome. We have the leaders that wants to take the world from everyone, we have the status to the world that we are the over power, we have the gay sex. All we need is to be rich off our ass and we are Rome, and with that we will fall, because history ALWAYS repeats itself if you learn nothing from it.


@caamsa: We have the highest useage rate in the world as of the UN's study last year, and it has only risen since Reagan declared his "drug war". What does population have to do with anything? Is our culture not influenced by the fact that it is illegal? Keep drinking the Reagan Kool-Aid.
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