A friend is in the process of choosing a desktop replacement notebook. The use that they plan for it is for the majority of the time it will be used as a desktop; however, he is planning on taking it on holidays, etc- which is why he is looking into the notebook market.
In addition, he will not be modding / overclocking it at all, so I think the budget is fairly ceilingless with regard to futureproofing. It will be used as an office deskop, entertainment pc and gaming pc in that order of importance (ie, its more likely to be spent cruching numbers in excel than Oblivion.. although I know its going to be used for a golf game a fair bit).
Currently, he seems fairly keen on the Sony Vaio AR21 range (brand/looks, C2D, and blu-ray being the big sellers for him- although why he wants the next betamax I dont know 😉) He is unlikely to go for a build from someone he hasnt heard of- so it looks like one of the big manufacturers rather than a niche builder.
So, I wanted to get some other options / opnions for him. So far, Ive looked at the Dell XLS range and the HP C2D notebooks; both have had some pretty good press coverage. However, mobile computing is not my specialist subject- so any help you guys can give me would be excellent.
In particular, are there any brands / models that come highly recommended? Any what is the general concensus on the Sony Vaio's at this end of the market? (ie Overpriced / a good-buy?). And any general buying advice / links theat may help would be brilliant.
Thanks, in advance..
In addition, he will not be modding / overclocking it at all, so I think the budget is fairly ceilingless with regard to futureproofing. It will be used as an office deskop, entertainment pc and gaming pc in that order of importance (ie, its more likely to be spent cruching numbers in excel than Oblivion.. although I know its going to be used for a golf game a fair bit).
Currently, he seems fairly keen on the Sony Vaio AR21 range (brand/looks, C2D, and blu-ray being the big sellers for him- although why he wants the next betamax I dont know 😉) He is unlikely to go for a build from someone he hasnt heard of- so it looks like one of the big manufacturers rather than a niche builder.
So, I wanted to get some other options / opnions for him. So far, Ive looked at the Dell XLS range and the HP C2D notebooks; both have had some pretty good press coverage. However, mobile computing is not my specialist subject- so any help you guys can give me would be excellent.
In particular, are there any brands / models that come highly recommended? Any what is the general concensus on the Sony Vaio's at this end of the market? (ie Overpriced / a good-buy?). And any general buying advice / links theat may help would be brilliant.
Thanks, in advance..