Digiland DL1010Q Android Tablet


Aug 5, 2016
I replaced the cracked digitizer but did not disconnect the battery beforehand. The screen looks great but does not respond to touch. I have reset and used buttons as directed, disconnected all cables and discharged, disconnected battery for a few minutes, but nothing helped. I read where there was a fuse that could be bypassed and it would work. Does anyone know where the fuse is located? Thanks Larry
I believe you are referring to the small micro fuse, located just below the cable, that goes from the main board to the digitizer board.

If you look carefully you can see if it got burnt. This usually happens when the laptop is not "powered down" and the display is removed or disconnected.

You an try and get the fuse to replace it yourself, or even try running a super fine wire from one side of the micro fuse to the other. Then soldered it in.
I believe you are referring to the small micro fuse, located just below the cable, that goes from the main board to the digitizer board.

If you look carefully you can see if it got burnt. This usually happens when the laptop is not "powered down" and the display is removed or disconnected.

You an try and get the fuse to replace it yourself, or even try running a super fine wire from one side of the micro fuse to the other. Then soldered it in.