digital adapter boxes


Oct 6, 2014
Is anyone else having a problem with these boxes? I'm on my third box and I'm taking it back tomorrow for yet another new one. They work for a few weeks then I'll lose one channel. Then another. Then another until I don't have many channels left to watch.

It's the ones Time Warner Cable hands out. They are made by Cisco. You have to have them to get channels Time warner has converted to digital. Just plugging into the cable won't work anymore. Here is a link to what Time Warner is giving us. My problem with them is they don't work. Or I should say, they work for a few weeks or even months. Then channels start cutting out. I'm about to go get my fourth box in less than a year.

Will they let you swap out to a different brand? Your link shows 3 different boxes.

I don't live in an area covered by Time Warner, so I had never seen those boxes before. They look similar to the digital boxes people had to buy for older TVs a few years ago.


I only see two boxes on that link. The Cisco box on the left is the only one they have. I don't know what the other one is. The last time I went in, I asked if there was another box or if we were stuck with this piece of crap they keep giving me. He said the Cisco box was it.