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I wrote e-mails to DirecTV and at first they told me to call them as this
was not a problem that could be handled by e-mail, and, oh, by the way, did
you know you're bill is due? I asked if I would have to buy a new receiver,
or if I would get a free one. They did not answer. I went to Dish Network.
I wrote DirecTV and told them adios. They wrote back and said it was a
"known issue" (as reported in other messages) and to please have patience.
Too late. I called to cancel service and they accused me of lying, saying I
never wrote them. They then offered me a new receiver, straight swap. I
told them I was already watching Dish Network. I was then told I was still
under contract as a tech came to my home to do a reconnect. I said that was
untrue. When I became angry and used logic, stating they must have my
signature for the reconnect (so I wanted to see it), it became an error on
their part (pushed the button too many times and was looking at another
customer's contract). Bull. All I have to say is that is typical of my
experience with DirecTV.
"Rich Jr" <> wrote in message
> Has anyone else's gone out of whack the last few days? they told me it
> was a box update or some such bull.
> My receiver has been powering on and off by itself and the channels are
> screwed up!
> It's getting quite annoying. anyone here work for Directv? that'd be
> even better.
> Email responses encouraged.
> Thanks.
> Rich