Do cell phone repair shops need my password?

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Mar 22, 2013
I dropped my Galaxy S3 a few months ago which broke the glass and led digatizer (thing that gives the screen an image). When I brought it in for a repair at a local repair shop they confirmed the damaged and gave me an estimate of 220$ to repair it. After agreeing to the price and giving them my phone, the employee asked me if the phone had a password on it, to which I quickly responded, "yes", and told him the password. At the time I didn't really think anything of it as I was just relieved that I was finally getting my phone fixed, but looking back on it I can't seem to come up with any reason as to why they would have needed the password. I haven't noticed anything different with my phone since the repair. IMO, best case scenario they just looked through my private data (photos, videos, web history) and had a good laugh. Worst case scenario they installed some type of spyware and are able to view my login info for multiple accounts and use the cameras remotely. Any input on why they would have needed my password would be very much appreciated and would help me sleep much better (or worse) at night. Thanks!


Feb 5, 2013
They need your password to diagnose if anything goes wrong afterwards, not necessarily while they're repairing the screen. They wouldn't put anything illegal on your device and risk their entire business.


Jan 24, 2016
John, they needed your password to make sure your touch is working right and also to ensure that every other thing was working perfect, apart from that, I don't think they log into your privacy for any reàson. And even remember the technician will be too busy to do that. THANKS

Arctic Tech Solutions

Jul 30, 2016

I run a tech repair shop. Passwords to devices are absolutely necessary for technicians to do their job properly and to fully diagnose most problems. Also in my shop all devices are to be fully tested before the repair, during the repair (while test fitting parts) and after the repair. This is to provide quality and consistent service and to protect the shop as well as the customer. There is no way to do any of this from a secured lock screen. We also offer no warranty if this is not done.

As for privacy concerns, I can assure you this. 1: We are far to damn busy to go nosing through your personal stuff. 2: We are a professional service with a reputation to uphold. 3: This is how one sees things that can never be unseen
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