Do you use : No Antivirus , FREE Antivirus , or PAID Antivirus and why?

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I have never heard of that before. But I checked it out and seems to have great reviews. And if it is a "combination" of Bitdefender and Avast, then what can go wrong... It is also total protection right?

That still didn't really answer my question. If anything, that raises even more questions. If you aren't going to address what I ask, then just tell me... saves me from thinking you don't understand the question, and then trying to reword it again. I'm guessing you have no intent to answer what I asked. I'm trying to figure out what KIS is actually protecting people from, since I don't have the means to use it myself... guess I'll never know.

That particular link you provided didn't really state the source, accept that is was sent in anonymously (not on the internet); however, there was an extra link in that article that describes things much clearer (which made me frustrated that nobody thought to update either report properly). This game was actually created by Lacoon Mobile Security. "This TicTacToe app is, in fact, not a new app at all but was a proof-of-concept app that Lacoon Mobile Security originally presented at BlackHat 2013 and RSA 2014.... Furthermore, this supposed malware is also not publicly available or ‘in the wild’ for hackers to use but has only been deployed in test environments."

The actual likelihood of encountering such an app on the internet is minimal, unless you go looking for obscure, sketchy apps on purpose; which most people don't seem to do. Also, the original article from Kaspersky dates from Oct. 10, 2014, BlackHat 2013 ended August 1, 2013. Considering this malware was played quietly, it would be interesting to know if a group of malicious hackers have been using it for quite some time, and the public was never aware of it; this wouldn't be the first time.

I really find it difficult to take Kaspersky serious when they don't explicitly state the fact that this malware hasn't been set loose on the internet (at least, not that we know of), and they then turn around and say that they can help protect you. That sounds more like a marketing pitch than an informative press release, and I am not okay with that... especially coming from the blog. While the blog states that it is a proof of concept code, it doesn't explicitly state, for the laity, that this isn't known to be a genuine threat to the mass public (as it's release has been private/contained). That sounds too shady to me.

Knock down Kaspersky a few notches on my roster for fear mongering *shakes head*
Skylyne: **I really find it difficult to take Kaspersky serious when they don't explicitly state the fact that this malware hasn't been set loose on the internet (at least, not that we know of), and they then turn around and say that they can help protect you.**

Kaspersky, did say that the tic-tac-toe game was not in the wild now. And that they have added it to their detection list so that if any hacker in the future uses it, it will be detected. It is a phone app, mainly. That records sound, text, contacts and more. Kaspersky, was the protection company that originally investigated it, found it to be malicious malware and passed their findings on the protection industry. Koodos for Kaspersky, IMO.

As for your question, I guess I'll have to repeat myself to you. "Have used KIS for many years now. That's why I can say with experience that KIS has blocked many serious threats."

Can't give you what I currently don't have. Have used KIS with XP, Vista and various Win7 operating systems. You can trash & bash Kaspersky all you want. That's your prerogative. But coming from someone that has never used the protection suite much if at all doesn't hold much water, IMO. And that's my prerogative/perspective.

My KIS reports still say, no threats neutralized or blocked and nothing in quarantine for the last 30 days.

Scanning with the free Malwarebytes, turns up nothing at all too.

hey all, use avg free,avast free, ad aware 11 free, no problems with any and no slow downs with any just really good results. also use malwarebytes free and superantispyware free and no problems with either of them. have paid for antivirus once and found that i could get just as good of protection with the free ones for the type of internet use that i do. i have one desktop that all i use on it is "Common Sense Antivirus" not an infection yet. smart web habits is the best antivirus that their is in my own experience.
i think most of the free antivirus is good for most peoples needs and it is better than no antivirus. nothing is 100% bulletproof. any virus that i ever had i had let in by just a download and "Bam" it was to late. the desktop that i run with no antivirus is just to see what and when i slip. i have tried most of the free antivirus and found things that i liked and didn't like. try them all because they are free. we all are the best "it pros" for our own computers and what you like and worked for you may not be what works for me or my web habits. i have been virus and malware free for years using freeware and common sense antivirus. thanks
I have tried the free ones, I have paid for Kasperov and for the past 5 years I have paid for Bullguard. It doesn't slow the laptop down I have never had a vir or any problems since using it.

I also use adblock like so many others.
I use ESET NOD32 Antivirus because I prefer it over all I have used before.

I have licenses for four computers.

I pay for it because there is no FREE version. If there was a FREE version I would still pay for it.
I use a free antivirus mainly bc I don't have much money. Even when I had some money though I've almost always used the free ones since the time they've become available and haven't really had any problems to speak of though some of them were a bit more confusing to me than others. I do remember paying for antivirus way back when they first came out.

Right now I use Avast and at the time I chose it, it was rated pretty good on the comparison charts. I've had it on this laptop since I've owned it, about 2+ years now and though sometimes I think it might be slowing things down, it's just time consuming to go back and reevaluate things. I just went ahead and renewed it bc of the time and effort that would've been involved in checking something else out. I do need to do a thorough evaluation and some cleaning up on this laptop. I barely have time to run ccleaner and defraggler though.
I have read and heard some good things about ESET NOD32 antivirus. I wonder if paid antivirus offers better security for banking and credit card stuff. guess that would be worth looking into.

I think the best way to determine if an antivirus program is good is to download and install a trial version. Try it for a month.
If you decide to install it, make sure you completely uninstall the program that you are presently using.

Here's the link.

If you have further questions, ESET has a forum.
good idea thanks for the link I was unaware that you could do a trial from ESET. I did know that you could do a trial from some of the free antivirus. I always learn new things from these kind of threads. thanks.
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