I wonder why nobody like windows security essentials as I believe it is the safest, with no download needed. Also, most of these AV programs say that they have a small footprint but in reality are supposed to be monitoring EVERY single part of a system. This is always going to slow down a system but for you guys, it is nothing as you proably own a pc with a 4790K and 2 780tis installed. This would not let any slowness evolve in your computer thus allowing you to download 5 AVs and not noticing it. On a side note, to download almost any computer program, I use ninite as it disables all the bloatware that comes with everything.
Dark Lord of Tech :
Great site to compare ^
The reason no one uses WSE is because it's the least reliable. Open the link, and read their real-world protection reviews. The baseline comparison is the Windows AV protection, which is at an 85.5% protection rate... and that's the lowest scorer. You're better off using
any of the reviewed AV wares than WSE. For lack of a better way of putting it, Microsoft sucks. I don't know how else to say it. And yes, I'm a Windows user, but not by preferential choice.
As far as having a 'fast' computer, I'm running a Core2 with 4 GB of memory. I don't know why you mentioned having dual high-end GPUs, since those do nothing for overall computer speeds... but I don't even have a 750 Ti right now haha. I run a single AV ware, and my computer gets slowed down significantly. There are also plenty of people out there with dual-core Pentium chips, and i3 chips, which will see significant speed drops with these resource hungry wares. Making a lightweight security software is pretty important to a lot of people.
I'm also surprised people are switching to Avast... it's quite demanding for resources, fails to prevent a lot of infections, and requires the end-user to do frequent scans to make sure they aren't harbouring anything. I've seen plenty of Avast users scan their computers, and have numerous infections that Avast failed to catch. There are better options out there that are much more lightweight, and far more effective.