Solved! Does samsung hd television have blue toothe

Rick Emery

Feb 24, 2010
I recently bought a Samsung, 52 inch - model number ln52b53op7fx2c....I bought a cordless, bluetooth headset..I was wondering if there's any way I can connect my bluetooth headset to my new television?

actually, just for the record, a lot of the newer sets will have bluetooth capabilities and it will probably be a standard feature soon. However if your particular set had that feature you would most likely be aware of it as it would have featured prominently in the sales literature.

As far as adding Bluetooth to a non-Bluetooth TV, there seem to be some products available....the one supe_ linked to and these ones as well

Hi Rick. I don't know of any tv's that have bluetooth capabilities. However you might want to check on this and see if it might fit your needs: BLUETOOTH DOOHICKY.
Read the first review. Just a suggestion. I don't know how it would work out but it's a start, I guess.
actually, just for the record, a lot of the newer sets will have bluetooth capabilities and it will probably be a standard feature soon. However if your particular set had that feature you would most likely be aware of it as it would have featured prominently in the sales literature.

As far as adding Bluetooth to a non-Bluetooth TV, there seem to be some products available....the one supe_ linked to and these ones as well