Does visiting a Popup will infect my PC with virus automatically?


Jan 14, 2016
hii everyone i want to ask a strange question in my mind and this is always bothering me when im suffering in the website that i visited.Does visiting a website that contains a popup and accidentally clicking the popup would it infect my PC automatically? and will the router be infected with virus?
im alr searching this topic on forum and other site but it still confussing me
Clicking on a popup can indeed be dangerous....but there is never a certainty an infection occurred, depending on the popup, and, which browser, and, your use of antimalware/antivirus.....

There are fake Adobe flash update popups out there downloading backdoors into systems, causing people losses of thousands of dollars....; do not accept any adobe flash updates unless you are at adobe's website....

If you see a new task manager process running afterward, or high cpu useage, empty bank account...that would be bad....
Clicking on a popup can indeed be dangerous....but there is never a certainty an infection occurred, depending on the popup, and, which browser, and, your use of antimalware/antivirus.....

There are fake Adobe flash update popups out there downloading backdoors into systems, causing people losses of thousands of dollars....; do not accept any adobe flash updates unless you are at adobe's website....

If you see a new task manager process running afterward, or high cpu useage, empty bank account...that would be bad....