Does wire quality affect the volume of speakers?

I have a receiver which I'm using thin standard speaker wire from an old Pioneers system.

However I would like to know whether increasing the wire thickness will increase my volumes.

Is there also a way to get more bass out of my sub?

The wire really does not have much to do with volume on an active subwoofer. More important is properly connecting to the reciever. (Unless the wire ends are corroded, etc.)

Also adjust the low pass filter switch to your taste.

Additionally, speaker placement and the acoustics of the room can harmonize and cancel out sub bass frequencies.

Find the manual online and understand it. Yamaha manuals are very informative and Wil likely solve your problem.
for high power subwoofers it is possible to benefit from a thicker cable as those do draw quite a few amps. technically the signal would suffer amplitude losses and thus volume. as for more bass you can adjust the balance of the receiver.
If you aren't putting a lot of power to your speakers thicker wire won't really do anything unless what you're using is tiny. It takes a lot of power to get even a small increase in volume. If you want more bass, the first step is making sure your sub is placed correctly. Put the subwoofer where you usually sit and play music and crawl around the room. Wherever it sounds best to you, put the sub there. If you put your sub in a corner it usually gives it a lot of oomph, but at the cost of sound quality usually.
Without knowing where we came from is hard to say where we are going.

If you started from 12GA, going to 8GA would help? How big is you room? what is the rating of your components?

I wager placement is your biggest variable, followed by room's acoustics. Sorry, harder stuff that a simple increase to cable's thickness.

Well THAT makes a lot of difference.

When people ask about subwoofer cable thickness, this customary says you are sending major power to a PASSIVE sub. An active sub, you are sending it line-level signal, 1 (one) volts peak-to-peak, that's it! I say 24Ga is fine, unless you are running like 100 ft, then I'd bump it up to 18Ga.
The wire really does not have much to do with volume on an active subwoofer. More important is properly connecting to the reciever. (Unless the wire ends are corroded, etc.)

Also adjust the low pass filter switch to your taste.

Additionally, speaker placement and the acoustics of the room can harmonize and cancel out sub bass frequencies.

Find the manual online and understand it. Yamaha manuals are very informative and Wil likely solve your problem.