Drivers for CF'X 6870s


Jul 24, 2011
I've had multiple problems with the last 4 or so revisions of the amd drivers.
Some seem to work for awhile, and then I discover 3+ games that cause the driver to crash.

So my question is, what is the best driver for a crossfire HD6870 setup? Modded drivers, perhaps?

To me it seems like AMD pushes hard to sell how great CrossfireX is, and then they fail
to write proper, stable drivers for Crossfire setups.
Am I alone here?

What I've used recently: 13.2betas (crashes), 12.11beta (crashes), 13.1 (turns crossfire off automatically, constantly).

The only other question I found about this was over at Overclock, dated March 17, 2012.
The suggestion there was 12.1. If so that's great...

but is AMD serious with that? No decent drivers for crossfire systems over an entire year?

All-in-all I've never had so many driver problems with something in my life. So needless to say, I'll be switching back to Nvidia on my next upgrade.

But for the time being (foreseeable future) this is what I've got, so any help would be awesome!

Thanks. :hello:
Tried 12.8 after a clean uninstall and I got this...

"Catalyst™ Install Manager
Installation Report
03/12/13 16:05:26

Hardware information
Name AMD Radeon Graphics Processor
Manufacturer Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Device ID 0x6738
Vendor ID 0x1002
Class Code 0x030000
Revision ID 0x00
Subsystem ID 0x3100
Subsystem vendor ID 0x1682
Other hardware

Existing packages
Packages for install
AMD Catalyst Install ManagerFinal Status: Success
Version of Item: 8.0.881.0
Size: 20 Mbytes
AMD APP SDK RuntimeFinal Status: Success
Version of Item: 10.0.938.2
Size: 90 Mbytes
AMD Display DriverFinal Status: Success
Version of Item: 8.982.0.0000
Size: 90 Mbytes
HDMI/DP Audio DriverFinal Status: Fail
Version of Item:
Size: 1 Mbytes
AMD Drag and Drop TranscodingFinal Status: Success
Version of Item: 2.00.0000
Size: 1 Mbytes
AMD Media Foundation TranscodersFinal Status: Success
Version of Item: 1.0.70727.2220
Size: 1 Mbytes
Catalyst Control CenterFinal Status: Success
Version of Item: 2012.0806.1213.19931
Size: 150 Mbytes

Other detected devices

Manufacturer Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Device ID 0xaa88
Vendor ID 0x1002
Class Code 0x040300
Revision ID 0x00
Subsystem ID 0xaa88
Subsystem vendor ID 0x1682

AMD Radeon Graphics Processor
Manufacturer Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Device ID 0x6738
Vendor ID 0x1002
Class Code 0x030000
Revision ID 0x00
Subsystem ID 0x174b
Subsystem vendor ID 0x174b

Manufacturer Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Device ID 0xaa88
Vendor ID 0x1002
Class Code 0x040300
Revision ID 0x00
Subsystem ID 0xaa88
Subsystem vendor ID 0x174b

Error messages
Driver Install: the installation failed"